All we can do now that we've been sold out by Scamdemic Trump is do our best to defund our enemies. We still have freedom of speech as far as our spending. At least for now.
Yeah, to the chink or Jew that pays you.
The last gathering of American patriots.
If you guys hadn't made such a concerted effort to live in the bubble of this forum and ignore anything that didn't fit the Q narrative, you'd know by now that Trump was controlled op. It's been pretty obvious for the last 2 years.
Haha! Isn't that what the whole Q "share this info even though your censored all over the internet" op was? A plan made public? See how it NEVER made sense?
Yes, you are. Goodbye.
>I think it's safe to say that while The Plan was good, it failed.
False. That whole list you responded to shows Trump was controlled op. When does it become mathematically impossible for someone to have made that many 'mistakes'?
And comped ass federal govt!
Which shows the entire premise of the Q op never made any sense.
Especially when you consider that our role was to spread the truth, when day after day we were more censored and the Trump admin didn't even pretend to give a fuck about it until his refusal to sign off on the last scamdemic bill, which we knew he'd cave and sign anyway. All smoke and mirrors. All bullshit.
>the use of the military to cleanse the federal government
Also happens to be the ONE thing that would NEVER be advertised if it had any possibility of happening. Clearly a crock of shit right out of the gate.
>Well if Trump was controlled opposition, then by definition the plan failed.
No, it worked perfectly. His base was strung along and pacified, as intended.
>POTUS made very clear yesterday that he has "no way to communicate" with the people without social media.
So retarded to believe he can't do anything about that or couldn't throughout his term.
I've only ever defended the Constitution, and to this day, anyone who has a problem with that can go fuck themselves.
Okay, shill.
That's the difference between those that are still under the spell of our controlled op President – the people that measured actions rather than listening to words and those that understand the Constitution and its limits on Federal power, saw Trump's actions were inconsistent with his words.
And inconsistent with the Constitution.