happy false fag, faggots!
damn, that sucked.
i are that anon, anon.
pic related is my favorite.
IMO, we would be at war with the criminal cabal, who is puppeteering not only our government, but most governments worldwide.
now you're on the only list I'm not already on.
>do double fagitives cancel out the gay?
this fag's faggotry fagged faggot enough to fag the faggotry faggotly.
>I'm lost anon, how can DJT remain the president when congress has confirmed Biden to be inaugurated on the 20th?
there's also the possibility that Trump has already taken over all aspects of the government in order to make it appear that these things are happening when they are, in fact, not legally happening.
honestly, if Pelosi is saying this is an emergency of the highest magnitude, then does it not follow that Trump would feel the same way and have already declared an emergency of the highest magnitude?
In that case, Trump can do whatever the fuck he wants. We're watching a movie, guise. Not all is as it appears (legally). If Trump took over the functions of government, then nothing Congress is doing matters.
This is just a fucking show.
This has GOT to be Trump/Q trolling the idiots and fanning the MSM to be even stupider than the stupid they've been stupiding.