ur nuts. or shill. likely shill
So the event boomeranged on them
It 's major Streisand effect?
That's why the fakenews had to stop writing that the cause was the theft of the election
Because of that it sounds plausible DJT did it, but I don't think he did;
They are just that stupid.
>>12384214 pb
No real evidence "she" died"
as I said no ambulance sound that I could hear
Was the body brought out?
They changed the story, First she was dead. Then "she" died the next day.
They needed a cut out to "kill" so the rampage appeared credible
Rampage staged by Trump enemies.
Designed to allegedly "enrage the Right"
Fear Porn
>>12384220 pb
stampede is possible
At least now they've found some credible alibi.
But I didn't see nor hear of a stampede.
It was just a potential danger.
Police are lying. Under orders from DoJ.
I saw peeps will DoJ on their back whispering away with officers.
That's my working hypothesis
Aren't they the experts in these things?
Weren't we in their territory?
Peeps say they have a vid of woman falling.