they probably both find them inconvenient and dont want them having their own country
>christian leader
ahahaha you are so gulible
he respects christianity, but he's not a bible thumper
what if it just appears that way?
no need, cause ww3 will happen right?
nah, he's just mildly allergic to conspiracy rabbit holes
he used to be really into them and now realises he believed a bunch of bullshit on ufos and bigfoot
bigfoot is real though
i doubt it, why is assad still running syria?
he faked hitting him TWICE
they could have just gone and invaded with BOTH gassing false flags
then why arent they continuing what obama and mccain did and keep giving weapons to syrian rebels to remove assad?
why did putin destroy isis, which was supposed to remove assad
ding ding ding
google sampson option
also ukraine maybe
NK got some tech from the mccain ukraine faction
and they have nuclear power and maybe the ability to produce
like how he thought obama was the disclosure president cause he saw 77777 in his cereal?
wilcock is not malicious but very gullible
I'm pretty sure I can pretend to be a secret space program guy and get him to believe a bunch of hooey I make up
those cities are already starting to crack and crumble because they didnt build them properly
a colossal waste of resources and effort
china can not be allowed to run the world with such short sightedness
ahh much better when fakeq and hentaifag are filtered