Get ready to die for Israel again!
I hope you boomer cucks burn in hell.
Sorry for disturbing your (((neoconservative))) echochamber.
>these retards think firing Rudd is draining the swamp
She wanted to deport more non-British immigrants you morons.
The swamp got rid of her.
Qdrones really are the dumbest segment of the imageboards.
Go die for Israel yourselves in the next war.
Trump is Bibi's bitch.
What if it doesn't? Will you kill yourself then?
No WW3. Just more sucking of jewish cock in the White House.
Fuck Q.
Are you ready to die for Israel?
>they could have just gone and invaded
>moron doesn't even know that you need Congress approval to invade a country
Typical Qdrone. Retarded boomer cuck.
Qdrones are being played.
You have the blood of innocents on your hands.
Murderer enablers.
Unlike you, I don't live on food stamps.
LMAO, you know nothing.
Looks like the Qdrones are adapting. Damage control for Trump being outed as a neocon?
Doesn't matter. Trump is Bibi's bitch. He'll go for Pakistan after Iran.
Trump likes immigrants. He wants to genocide whites.
How many of those protestants are Christian Zionists to boot? USA = United Satanist Alliance.
Cucks like you are to blame for the deaths of millions. I hope you writhe in hell demon.
The absolute state of this board man.
Britain is already pretty white you retarded boomer mutt. Rudd wanted to make it whiter, by deporting non-whites who had citizenship. I'm willing to bet it was a cuck in the (((Trump))) administration who leaked that and started the scandal.
Literal cuckservative talking points. This board is so braindead.
That's Q's purpose. To brainwash cucks into unconditional support for a criminal government.