Q here
Gotta level with y'all
You're a bunch of boomer faggots and incels
Q here
Gotta level with y'all
You're a bunch of boomer faggots and incels
Q here
Boomers and Incels unite!
Q here again,
it's over boys.
I'm coming clean, it was a larp
for boomers and incels
pack it up
head home
die for Israel
Q here
Only boomer faggots care about JFK
His real name was Patrick
We dressed up a homeless guy
Q here
Q here
had to change the trip code bold thing
Boomers and incels for the win!
Q here
Drones incoming
Q here
Boomers and incels for the win!
Q here
trust the plot
Q here
without divulging the mystery of Q certain levels of bread must be consumed before attaining maximum power.
Be patient
Trust the plot
Q here
not enough