1.) Rudy/Lin/Sidney are sent out there to make incendiary accusations that seem too wild to be true – but they are. Trump distances himself from them, and everyone assumes it's because they're a liability for Trump's reelection efforts.
2.) Each of them immediately perform maneuvers that get them looking like certifiable quacks:
a) Sidney's typoes and the sheer audacity of her allegations
b) Rudy and his hair dye and general sort of.. swagger I guess (sorry Rudy but you get what I mean! Love ya!)
c) Lin Wood goes without saying!
3) Deep State thinks "look at these quacks, we'll have no problem discrediting each of them. HOWEVER… the awkward thing for the DS is that the allegations each of them are making are TRUE. No matter, Trump's acting mysteriously defeated.
4) All the time the DS was plotting to stay afloat, they should've been working on going after election fraud. They were too busy trying to get away with their crimes.
5) Trump sets them up to go ahead with the proceedings, but does so in a way which forces the DS to be sloppy and botch their ANTIFA-led "Capitol Storm" and make numerous glow-in-the-dark mistakes
6) Trump then calls everyone home which starts the Insurrection Act proceedings
7) DS goes along with the certification, thinking that no matter what THEY do, they just successfully and permanently DESTROYED Trump's optics with his heinous "attack on the capitol".
8) Little did they know, the whole point was to get them SIGNING THEIR NAMES TO LITERAL FRAUD. The fraud at which they tried to laugh away. Except there is literal evidence on them. But, because they have taken Sidney, Lin, and Rudy to be such fools (and probably started to believe their own lies along the way), they probably don't realize that Patriots really DO have the goods on them, but weren't going to actually USE IT until they can PROVE that the DS would actually GO AHEAD WITH THE CRIME.
9) Trump concedes gracefully. The goal was draining the swamp, THIS IS FAR MORE THAN JUST ANOTHER 4 YEAR ELECTION!!!!!!!!!!!!To that end, Donald John Trump is a HERO.