Anonymous ID: 9ae55d Jan. 7, 2021, 6:51 p.m. No.12390214   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0231

I just returned from DC. I'm an oldfag and been around this block many times and I have something to say regarding yesterdays events everyone should know and understand.


First off the media definitely set this up (this is obvious to most, but just confirming for everyone else).


We were peaceful protestors. Period. No if's and's or but's about it.


When the Capitol Police start launching tear gas and flash bangs into the air while we were just sitting peacefully singing hymns. Kids were present too btw and were gassed. The police literally gaslighted the whole situation.


You have to understand that there was SOOOOO many people there that it was not easy to retreat backwards, The people at the front didn't have a ton of space. They could only go fowards. We the people were being gassed repeatedly. But unlike other pithy riots like we've viewed by the likes of BLM and Antifa, we the people didn't just sit on ass. The building was charged to stop them from tear gassing us. There was probably at minimum 4 volleys of Tear gas that occurred before people finally were like screw it.


That's how peaceful we all were. Several Flashbangs shot into the air, and some tear gas canisters. No police were agitated by the people or provoked by the people.


I understand some people here believe POTUS is just denying and staying neutral from it all, (Based on Q posts) but God Damn it if wasn't a dagger in the heart when he came on today and incorrectly blamed the people for what occurred on the Capitol. Same for our Press secretary who condemned the violence of the people, but didn't blame the police who started it. Trump should have been blaming the Capitol Police, but instead blessed and thanked them for their service. NO. Not in this case. In this he is completely incorrect. Trump asked us to be there. We took time out of or Jobs, drove across the country from all 50 states, and for what? To be berated by him? That's just rude, even for you POTUS.


What are people going to do? Just sit there and be shot constantly? No one would remain peaceful in such a situation. It was literal self defense of the people.


Once we got up to the top, That's probably when Antifa types really took over and started ramming the front doors open after we saw the police on the other side of the building waving protesters to come on in. (Planned). And when people went inside.


The one death at the capitol building (Yes 1 death, the other 3 occurred during the rally.) I saw one of the guys die in the crowd of a heart attack. He had like half a mile to walk just to exit the crowed and you just couldn't slip by people. the look on that mans face will forever haunt me as he knew he was gonna die. We were so tightly packed in that crowd, I could have fallen asleep standing and nobody would have noticed, nor would I have fallen down. Which may not have occurred had POTUS arrived at the time he was supposed to at 11 AM. He was over 1 hour late, after people had been crowded in there for over 4 hours.


Anyway, I'm only pointing out that the people did not deserve that kind of response today from either the Press Secretary or from Trump. At the very least, you could have pointed out the error in the police gaslighting and condemned that instead of the people you invited to the capitol.


With that all being said, It was a very patriotic moment for all of us there. We all finally felt like we were accomplishing something. Far more than we have over the last 4 years sitting on ass behind our keyboards. I don't care that the media spun it into a loss, it was certainly the tea party moment for at least a million Americans who showed up, and they are going to go home and set the record straight with their family members. There's gonna be a pissed off silent majority now, and the revolution is comin, and soon. With our without Trump at this point.