Anonymous ID: 7c7930 Jan. 7, 2021, 8:07 p.m. No.12391542   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1566 >>1610

I think we need a fucking backup "Plan" at this point. Sitting around just "trusting" really is the dumbest thing we can do. I trust Potus. I trust Q. But IF this does all fail, we are fucked. The whole world is fucked.


Militia? Storming capitals? No good. You'll be mowed down or thrown in jail for the rest of your life.


Voting? No good. They will just steal the votes they need.


Spreading Q Drops/ Info? No Good. We will be completely censored, even more so than now, and this will probably also be a jailable offense.


Moving to a "better" country? That country doesn't exist and the

whole world is fucked anyway without America.


Praying? Fine. We'll be meeting God soon if the Deep State has their way.


Police, even millitary/army? No Good. Even those are being filled up with brain dead diversity hires. Or people with bad intentions, or who are completely brainwashed, or who are just in it for the paycheck and don't really give a fuck.


It's unfathomable to me that Trump is just laying down like this without putting up a fight. It doesn't feel right at all and my heart tells me it's still not over. But we should have been doing more, anons. We lost one of the most powerful tools we had when they started censoring us on every single social media outlet and it's only going to get worse from here. I know TheDonald was filled with a bunch of fucking faggots but it was the best way to educate normies. Twitter is lost. Youtube is lost. All of the alternatives will soon be lost. This place will be lost too. Trump gained 11 million votes but maybe it could have been 20 million if this election had the the same energy as 2016. Everyone was bored at home with nothing to during the China Virus but to fuck around on the internet and we lost that oppurtunity. I'll remain as hopeful as I can until the 20th but the reality is that we need a backup plan. Sorry for the rant, frens, I really needed to vent. I love you all, especially POTUS and Q team. Thank you, for everything.