how the fuck is the globohomo headquarters even going to be on his side?
This sounds like moving the goalposts to me. At what point do we get a proper undeniable victory in the public consciousness? Something that normies see and go, "OH shit, they were right all along?" not this "will they, won't they" crap?
I don't understand how people like Lin Wood and Bannon and Guliani can still be so nonchalant about this. What do they know that we don't? This thing needs to be resolved swiftly, not some drawn out legal battle where the MSM gets to dictate the narrative to the people. I just want one victory. Just one. The constant bullying from online algorithms and AI bots does take its toll.
Anon, there's no point doing the right things behind the scenes only to let your enemies write the history books for future generations. Narrative needs to be reclaimed.