Anonymous ID: 4248f8 Jan. 7, 2021, 11:38 p.m. No.12394558   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4579 >>4586





POTUS conceded nothing except for the fact that while your sperm-burbling one-two [big black] cocksucker of a wife May have converted to Judaism, she still prefers the slimy-sweet taste of porch-monkey cum to the gefilte-fish brine of kike-launched jizz.


Learn the comms and get your faggot ass back to feltching your cum-stained bride because all the smelly niggers and white-trash that sleep down at the train-station still haven't had their turn to run a different kind of train, and besides, Hunter will be by soon with the crack rocks and he wants the fucking money you owe him and don't forget an extra ten-percent for the big guy.