Mike Pompeo said there will be a peaceful transition……
You know the thing!
What does a mexican and a cue ball have in common?
I don't see a resemblance at all. Maybe his nipples but thats it.
>What does a mexican and a cue ball have in common?
The harder you hit them the more english you get out of them.
Tucker the fucking faggot that covered up 911 had him on tonight.
Like him or hate him but AJ is a brilliant motherfucker. I personally think that Q called him out to create massive confusion (which worked).
>Check this shit out…kek….you will shit your pants….right in front of us!!!
>Q Research General #3556: BIG! Edition
>Passing this on-I'm just a lurker, saw this on Isaac kappy's twatter.
>Link to Treasure trove on GHWB Crimes down under & elswhere.
>Plus Youtube link: https://twitter.com/Isaackappy/status/1035262121653620736 and MEGA link to files: https://mega.nz/#F!rrp02Sgb!dl1Odq-8TyYQaeA2UVRX4w
>See the code right after Https://mega.nz/ this code…..F!rrp02Sgb!dl1Odq-8TyYQaeA2UVRX4w….it is some type of code to a drop box….follow me down the rabbit hole a bit…
>Take this code….F!rrp02Sgb!dl1Odq-8TyYQaeA2UVRX4w……..and do a search using " QResear.ch "…..go down to the bottom for all the video's and dropbox info!!!
Then F disc yourself?
Oh that doesn't look like comms to me. You guys are just paranoid.
I clicked it. Sounds like someone blowing in their microphone every 5 seconds.
And yet you are here?
OOOOOFFFF! Can we get a mememeister to put hitler in that car????
Why don't you stop being a pussy and practice witchcraft to see if Jesus is real? It works every time when you go all out. Just saying.
He is like a cat that lets its victim think for a moment there is some sort of escape but terrorizes them into a heart attack.
Wrong. I was out on the front lines stopping antifa bullhorns from committing more false flags while you stayed home and talked about your batman costume.