Anonymous ID: 0514f9 Jan. 8, 2021, 3:45 a.m. No.12396456   🗄️.is 🔗kun


if RED2 central communications blackout this is how it goes down imo:

Trump will announce emergency under Sec. 706. A. Of communications act 1934. “War emergency powers of president “ essentially he will take over all means of communication, there is high possibility of "attack" likely cyber bottom line comms go blackout and ems reigns supreme. Trump has already created executive order on Dec. 7th 2020 “governance and integration of federal mission resilience” in this EO he creates/establishes a new “Federal Mission Resilience Executive Committee” that is composed of: sec. of defence, sec. homeland security, DNI, APNSA, assistant to POTUS and deputy chief of staff operations and director of management budget. When issues concerning science the director of OSTP will be included ie Kelvin Droegemeier specializes in “storms”… the guy's a meteorologist for crying out loud! WOOOOO!


This executive committee coordinates implement of “plan” and facilitated execution of “plan”


National security and emergency preparadness EP communications functions is delegated to Director of OSTP (storm guy)


Why did General Michael Flynn say “what a beautiful black sky”


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