Anonymous ID: 21c365 Jan. 8, 2021, 2:17 a.m. No.12395805   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5847 >>5875 >>6005 >>6058 >>6119 >>6210 >>6319 >>6388 >>6411


REVEALED: Mike Pompeo and Steve Mnuchin 'discussed 25th Amendment on Wednesday night' as Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer failed to convince Mike Pence

to listen to their case for removing Donald Trump

Pompeo, the Secretary of State, and Treasury Secretary Mnuchin have reportedly discussed removing Trump

Both men have held informal discussions with their staff about the 25th Amendment, CNBC reported

Both men reportedly concluded that the 25th Amendment was not the way forward for the country

They felt it would take too long, with only 13 days left; and they feared it would fan the flames of unrest

They were also unsure if three secretaries in 'acting' roles without Senate confirmation could cast a vote

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Trump had incited 'sedition' against the US

Pelosi demanded the president's removal from office, as did Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer

Both Democrat leaders called VP Mike Pence to demand Trump's removal from office - but were put on hold

Joe Biden's Electoral College victory was certified by Pence at 3.41am, ending a nearly 15-hour saga

Republican congressman Adam Kinzinger posted a video in which he called for Trump to be removed

Former Attorney General Bill Barr said 'orchestrating a mob to pressure Congress is inexcusable'

AOC says Cabinet should use 25th Amendment and Congress should impeach

She also called for Republican inciters to be expelled from the House and Senate

Trump finally promised an 'orderly transition' on January 20 but maintained his false claims of election fraud

The president had incited his supporters to storm the Capitol, forcing a halt to the electoral vote proceedings and his violent invaders ransacked offices, waved the Confederate flag and swung from a Senate balcony



PUBLISHED: 23:10 EST, 7 January 2021 | UPDATED: 00:17 EST, 8 January 2021


Mike Pompeo and Steve Mnuchin discussed using the 25th Amendment to remove Donald Trump from office on Wednesday night, according to a report, but ultimately decided against it.


The Secretary of State and Treasury Secretary's deliberations were reported as the two top Democrats in Congress, Sen. Charles Schumer and Speaker Nancy Pelosi, reached out directly to Vice President Mike Pence Thursday to try to push him to act immediately to remove Trump from office, only to be rebuffed.


Pompeo and Mnuchin held discussions with their aides and staff, CNBC reported on Thursday.


Both men concluded that the 25th Amendment was not the right course of action for three main reasons, four sources told the channel.

Firstly, it would take longer than a week, which made it not worth the effort given there remain only 13 days of the Trump presidency.

Secondly, it was unclear whether the three acting Cabinet members, not yet confirmed by the Senate, would be able to cast a vote.

And finally, it was likely to pour further fuel on the fire, and enrage Trump's supporters.


'The general plan now is to let the clock run out,' said one former senior administration official aware of the discussions.

'There will be a reckoning for this president, but it doesn't need to happen in the next 13 days.'

The State Department denied the discussions had taken place; the Treasury did not comment.


not that I believe it yet there it is like a giant turd… According to a Report :D

Anonymous ID: 21c365 Jan. 8, 2021, 3:10 a.m. No.12396246   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6263


confirmed talking point


Trump in trouble as Pompeo, Mnuchin agree to invoke constitutional amendment to impeach him – Reports/


Pompeo, Mnuchin, Cabinet secretaries discussed 25th Amendment with staff, sources say


Steven Mnuchin, Mike Pompeo Were Reportedly Key Cabinet Officials Behind 25th Amendment Discussions to Remove Trupmp

By Reed RichardsonJan 8th, 2021, 12:14 am


U.S. Riot: Pompeo, Mnuchin discuss invoking constitutional amendment to remove Trump – Reports

The procedure for invoking the 25th amendment to impeach Mr Trump involves the Vice President and most cabinet members.

By Agency Report January 8, 2021

Anonymous ID: 21c365 Jan. 8, 2021, 3:32 a.m. No.12396387   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6396

Castles, crystals and conspiracies: enter the spiritual home of British QAnon

The English West Country has long been replete with ancient legends and New Age beliefs. Now, it is waiting for the Great Awakening



In October, Rachel Bate and her three roommates made the five-hour drive from London to the county of Cornwall, in the southwest of England. The U.K.’s coronavirus restrictions were on a brief hiatus, and the friends needed a break. They wanted a “spooky, quirky” trip, and believed that they had found the perfect destination.


Camelot Castle stands atop black cliffs at the edge of the ancient village of Tintagel. A stone behemoth with battlements, mock-Gothic turrets and sweeping views of the sea. Built in 1899 for Victorian holidaymakers, it looks over the ruins of an older castle, where, according to legend, King Arthur and the knights of the round table once lived.


The sun was setting when 35-year-old Bate and her friends reached the hotel driveway. “It was a very windy evening, quite atmospheric,” she said. They walked into the lobby, and an unexpected figure peered out through the gloom. Above the reception desk was a huge photograph of U.S President Donald Trump, standing with his wife Melania and the hotel’s owner, John Mappin.


“I was like, ‘I’m so glad I’m wearing a mask, because it’s covering how horrified I am,’” Bate told me.


She and her friends went to their rooms and began to scour the internet for information. They discovered that the hotel is a spiritual home for the U.K.’s QAnon movement. A vast global conspiracy theory, based around anonymous message board postings or “drops” by a shadowy figure known only as Q, it states that the world is run by a secret cabal of Satanist pedophiles. The theory came into being at the outset of Trump’s presidency and has since gained millions of followers across the world.


“The more we dug, the more disturbing it all became,” said Bate. She and her companions spent the night in the hotel, but left first thing the following morning. “Since then we’ve gone into a proper wormhole. Looking at all of Mappin’s YouTube. It’s just neverending craziness.”


Mappin, 55, is one of the U.K.’s best-known proponents of QAnon theories. When I heard about his castle, I decided that I had to see for myself, and took the train down to Cornwall. On the day when we met, he was dressed in a blue jacket with a purple pocket handkerchief. He speaks with a British boarding school accent. Conversation with Mappin is dizzying. He moves swiftly from his belief in magic to the notion that a mathematical algorithm can predict the future, and a feeling that spiritual forces are wrestling for power over the world’s population.