Anonymous ID: 520a8b ==Spiritual Letter to the President From A Patriot== Jan. 8, 2021, 5:56 a.m. No.12397584   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7846 >>7910

Spiritual Letter to the President From A Patriot


Mr. President:


We know the truth sir. The time has arrived.


We see the communist dragon. We even see the evil dragon when he becomes the serpent and slithers. God has shined the light of truth on him. We now see him change his colors like a chameleon. We know his lies. We can see his flags planted in mountains of falsehoods, including yesterday. It is blaming the American people. We don’t fall for old tricks from the same playbook, we have elders too. We see him deceive and we see him kill to deceive. The Lord has taught us well. So has our President.


We can see the dragon sir. The time has arrived.

It is with great honor with all of the glory given to God and from God that “We the People” are now handing a magnificent key over to you; the Insurrection Act. We have been blessed with this key given to us by our forefathers from our Lord. Please use it wisely. May God bless this key.


We can see the serpent sir. The time has arrived.


Let it forever be known that this evil representation has used deceit, lies, and intimidation; all the tactics of the serpent. Let it be further known that any representation that physically attacks its own people through deceit or otherwise uses the tactics of the dragon. Time for the abdication of this wicked and illegal representation.


We can see the dragon and the serpent sir. The time has arrived.


You have worked honorably and tirelessly for us, Mr. President. You have led the dragon straight down the pit. Crawl out and close the trap sir. Take the key and lock this dragon away. Our Lord God in Heaven sayeth that the evil one shall no longer deceive nations.


May this “Evocation of the Insurrection Act” bring forth the

“Invocation of the Resurrection” of Jesus Christ throughout the world. For God, country, and the world sir.


God bless you Mr. President!

Anonymous ID: 520a8b Jan. 8, 2021, 6:28 a.m. No.12397958   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The one the President is pushing. The push on the drug manufacturers by the President was to ensure they didn't have to perfect the chip/os system. FDA, under Trumps eye, approved vaccines. These vaccines are fake and gay.


Now either you are a shill or a shill? Which is it?