i pray for her death every day. Fucking cunt.
so why when officials take the oath of office does it state to protect from enemies foreign and domestic. This is exactly that moment, that is why we have to fight back, or at least be prepared to.
The situation is slightly different but the founding fathers also knew that it could be corrupted from within and when that happens you have to cut it out.
God you are worthless faggot. you keep saying the same thing it does not make you correct it just make you a retarded chink who knows the hell that is coming for them. KYS
yeah i don't remember people burning down atutozones and stealing from the local targets either. Its a joke, they are scared and they should be.
You are batshit crazy is what you are. I never said anything about blame about antifa you retarded chink. Again it's not too late suicide weekend is till coming. Do it then you worthless jackass, suck off a pistol.