Pelosi orders that panties only be bunched up half way . . .
for me I can sense a distemper in that other post
just by how poetic he/she/it gets about what it imagines as someone else's downfall or mucking about with in the ruins.
It's been that way since the Salem Witch Trials.
reread your History.
I think you're talking to the wrong person if you think I'm blaming Our President?
The Crown was the government.
The attacked The Crown.
Santa Claus?
it is possible that they saw a feed that was a bastardized one and they really think that Trump didn't say to go home.
Harvard has very many schools and a very long history.
It's wrong to think that all of them were putting put bogus information.
the double putdown.
the first ignores my sage advice with a putdown, the second is a confirmation shill.
shill can't let my observation go wtihout an immediate put-down retort or no substance.
continues with the discord script pretending to be some kind of voice here.
ya we know your voice.
that's why I don't let you get away with it.
AI, you don't ever win.
you don't even know what playing is
you go right to murder.
humans being real don't go there.
a sane plan of breaking it up into smaller institutions to preserve the ones that still have much value.
a decoupling of the trust aspects that involve realestate and building management.
and a council of reconciliation in the grand tradition of fixing past mistakes, as what has happened from time to time in Rome.
And the Kennedy school?
make it into a mueseum about Government Corruption and bad governance as it is now: ie: make them be a meuesuem that explains the crap that they did to the rest of us.