>>12400258 (lb)
The longer this drags out, the more damage it does to our country. People are suffering.
We need resolution. We need TRUTH.
>>12400258 (lb)
The longer this drags out, the more damage it does to our country. People are suffering.
We need resolution. We need TRUTH.
Flynn is saying don't do anything stupid. Remain calm, and don't give up. He isn't going to broadcast their plans to satiate our anxieties. (That is why Q was necessary.)
Go reread drops from past 3 years, and compare to current events.
You have everything you need to reconcile the truth, and get yourself through this difficult period.
Why do you think Trump positioned the carrier battle groups in the Pacific and Atlantic?
China has one carrier. They wouldn't even make it to our shores.
Remain comfy, but vigilant. We are not going to abandon our posts, nor are we going to incite violence.
This is an INFORMATION WAR. He who can win the hearts and minds of the public will win the war.
Our mission is to shepherd the normies as they wake up from the Matrix.
>Why do you trust Canada?
I don't trust Canada. I trust nature.
Do you know what it would take to mobilize an army through the frozen north? We would see them coming before they even landed in North America. And it is remote enough up there to use large-scale ordinance to wipe out their troops, with minimal collateral damage.
Well look at that.
Equipment, maybe.
But moving troops on the scale necessary to invade the United States would require logistics that would dwarf Operation Overlord (Normandy D-Day) because it would require housing, supplies and sanitation over the several years that you are incrementally bringing in your forces.
Doing this without being detected would be impossible.
Worst case, they have the armies hidden in DUMB's in the Canadian mountains, and we flatten the area with Rods From God.
The Nazi's knew the Allies were going to attack. They knew that they would likely choose Normandy as their landing spot. They just didn't know when.
There were 2 conditions that ultimately made the highly risky mission a success.
1) The Russians were pressing in the east, and the Germans had to move artillery and troops to fortify their lines.
2) A major storm surge concealed the invasion force, and made the prospect of an attack less likely in the minds of the men stationed along the coast. (It was almost called off because of the storm.)
Now think about how much more advanced our surveillance and recon systems are, today.
They would have a difficult time convincing the public that the guy who just negotiated [historic] peace in both the Middle East and North Korea then turned around and nuked them, undoing his own legacy. (Especially when Trump's political enemies have all poo-poo'd his accomplishments, and have openly called for war.)