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Found a lecture with Ronald Bernard
Dear people, to clarify for all those who - for whatever reason - cannot see the difference between the New World Order solutions based on fear and total control and the United People solutions in this lecture based on the heart and common sense. Search for the buzzwords: 'Build Back Better' and 'The Great Reset' and you will discover the New World Order agenda for "world peace". Discover the differences between The New World Order and United People by using independent thinking and research
Here is the first jewtube.com/watch?v=09BUifUK-Jg about
This DVM-TV interview with me was done by Irma Schiffers. This is a very important video that needs to be seen and shared by everyone. It will help clarify the deep and systemic control that undermines the liberty and freedom of choice in free societies.
The video covers topics essential to understanding the globalist, ruling class, world financial structure, dark belief systems, use of child sacrifice (00:21:55) and methods used to maintain this predatory culture of the top 8000 people in power over the world.
If you really want to understand the authentic emotions in this testimony, I suggest you work through the original video
The Protocols of the Elders of Zion download in English
The original DVM-TV video was published on April 27, 2017.