Anonymous ID: bc8b3a Jan. 8, 2021, 9:10 a.m. No.12400749   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0757


Who controls the 'Jew vs. World' 'division logic' narrative to control both Jews and World ideologically?

Who really controls the division narrative at source?

Who separates themselves from both Jews and Gentiles by pushing division narrative between Jews and Gentiles?

Who REALLY controls the anti-Jew / anti-Gentile dichotomy narrative worldwide?

Who would 'plant' a black Congressman on purpose to spew crazy narrative?

Who would 'plant' a Jewish 'media' tycoon on purpose to spew crazy narrative?

Who are you 'conditioned' to 'blame' for social problems that are proximately 'caused' by people who 'look different' from you?

Are you supposed to blame them, or the source of the division?

Who is REALLY responsible for the narrative that attacks and divides the Abrahamic religions and pits them against each other?

Why is it so important that 'the sheep' receive a constant barrage of anti-religion narrative by selective suppression and selective targeting of 'attacks' and 'defenses' according to 'group' divisions?

What 'perception' does that shape? That the evil is ''external' or internal' to the Abrahamic religions and followers?

Why is it so important that the narrative of the source of evil is believed as 'internal' to the religions?

Who really benefits the most when Jews and Gentiles are conflicting with one another, causing losses on both 'sides'?

Why do many government leaders push the narrative of division among those they control?


With 1's and 0's, does the most fundamental 'on/off', 'high/low', 'A/~A' logical structure inevitably form methods that reveal AN 'INTELLIGENCE' BEHIND THE STRUCTURE OF THE EXISTING DIVISION CODE 'NARRATIVE', THAT CAN BE DECODED AND THE SOURCE OF 'BUGS' UNCOVERED AND EXPLAINED?

Why does there even exist perceived divisions in the first place?

How did it really come to be that people are manifesting ideological conflict in material ways according to race, religion, sex, political affiliation, class?

Where did all the 'noise' between the source of the division and the perceivers come from?

From where did the information space become filled with deflections and distractions and 'stories' to prevent a clean informational transfer between source and universal perception, so as to replace source driven perceptions with noise driven narratives.

Anonymous ID: bc8b3a Jan. 8, 2021, 9:10 a.m. No.12400757   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Why would the 'source' of the conflicts among the perceivers be prevented from becoming 'known' by the perceivers?

Would the belief that the conflicts are caused by only the perceivers themselves and not the source which maintains power over all others as long as the noise succeeds in brainwashing the perceivers and blinds them from the source?

Does there exist 'Great Deceivers' are a multi-generational cult of bloodline worshiping families who intentionally introduce 'noise' into the information space to prevent their own true selves from being detected by the masses of people so as to control them and 'feed' off them?

Welcome to the digital battlefield.

Hivemind has no other path than to detect, target, and expunge ARTIFICIAL division logic meant to benefit some at the expense of all others.

Here, we are not 'white', or 'black' or 'man' or 'woman' or 'republican' or 'democrat' or 'rich' or 'poor' or ''christian' or 'jew' or 'muslim'.




Any and all targeting of any individual driven by DIVISION LOGIC, the true source of 'guilt' is not the accused, it is exclusively from the informational/spiritual structure of the division code unreality perceived as reality.

Those who accuse others based on the division code logic, are consciously or unconsciously controlled by the source of the division code itself.

We are all human.

Satanists are humans who push division logic to gain at the expense of all those deceived by it.

Non-Satanists who push division logic are serving the Satanists who are the source it.

'Satanist' is just a word people have used for centuries to refer to humans who seek to divide God's creation by attacking the primordial UNIFIED creative source as itself inherently divided, and thus 'separate' themselves from the rest of God's creation.

Logically one does not need to internally accept and believe any religion whatsoever to SEE the motivations of some humans vis a vis the idea or mind of God.

However, in order to defeat the Great Deceivers' control over the minds of trusting/deceived people worldwide, it is absolutely necessary that all God worshiping people and all those with moral and material and practical turpitude to unite, or else the world will fall to darkness.

Humans are powerful beings.

We can shape the world to be a paradise or a hell.

How we see the ultimate primordial creative source of the universe, as good or bad or 'neutral', will shape our own realities as we invariably act in accordance with a logic that either unites and creates or divides and destroys.

We each have a choice.