Anonymous ID: 42e01f Jan. 8, 2021, 9:28 a.m. No.12401140   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1247 >>1470 >>1714 >>1776

University football coach fired for 'hateful' tweet about Stacey Abrams, election fraud


'Still not governor!'




An assistant football coach for the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga has been fired after posting a tweet disparaging former Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams and making unsubstantiated claims about election fraud during Tuesday's Senate runoffs.


Chris Malone, who had just finished his second season with the Mocs, mocked Abrams' appearance as well as her failed 2018 run for governor in the post, which has since been deleted.


"Congratulations to the state of GA and Fat Albert @staceyabrams because you have truly shown America the true works of cheating in an election again!!! Enjoy the buffet Big Girl! You earned it!!! Hope the money was good, still not governor!" Malone wrote, according to the Knoxville News Sentinel.


Abrams, who formerly served in the Georgia House of Representatives, played an active role in garnering support for Democratic Sens.-elect Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossof ahead of the state's runoff elections.


It's worth noting that a third-party voter registration group founded by Abrams, the New Georgia Project, was under investigation by the Georgia secretary of state's office for "repeatedly and aggressively" seeking to register "ineligible, out-of-state, or deceased voters" ahead of the runoffs.


In response to the tweet, Malone was promptly fired and his bio page on the university athletics department website was removed. The university's chancellor called the tweet "hateful, hurtful and untrue" in a video announcement of his removal.


"Last night, a totally inappropriate social media post by a member of our football staff was brought to my attention," UT-Chattanooga athletic director Mark Wharton wrote in a statement Thursday morning. "The entire post was appalling. The sentiments in that post do not represent the values of our football program, our athletics department or our university. With that said, effectively immediately, that individual is no longer a part of the program."


Head coach Rusty Wright added: "Our football program has a clear set of standards. Those standards include respecting others. It is a message our players hear daily. It is a standard I will not waiver on. What was posted on social media by a member of my staff is unacceptable and not any part of what I stand for or what Chattanooga Football stands for. Life is bigger than football and as leaders of young men, we have to set that example, first and foremost. With that said, effectively immediately, that individual is no longer a part of my staff."


Statements below from head coach Rusty Wright and Director of Athletics Mark Wharton.

— Chattanooga Football (@Chattanooga Football)1610028579.0


Malone was hired by the Mocs in 2019 to serve as an offensive line coach and formerly worked as a coach at Old Dominion, James Madison, Virginia State, and UMass.

Anonymous ID: 42e01f Jan. 8, 2021, 9:28 a.m. No.12401149   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1470 >>1714 >>1776

‘This is getting sicker by the day’: Viewers blast TV show asking about rewards for snitching on neighbours breaking Covid rules


ITV’s ‘Good Morning Britain’ came under fire from viewers after it controversially asked whether Brits should receive a financial reward for turning their coronavirus rule-breaking neighbours in to the police.


“Should people be rewarded for snitching on their neighbours who break lockdown rules?”asked presenter Kate Garraway during Friday’s show. Acknowledging that the UK is in “such a serious situation,” Garraway added, “But should we incentivise people by giving them money?”


Viewers argued it was a “revolting proposition” and compared it to Nazi Germany and the East German Stasi’s practices, with one Brit arguing that those who do snitch to the government “should be shunned by the communities in which they live.”


Others criticized the show itself for “trying to stir things up,”accusing the hosts of inciting informers — though the hosts did not endorse the idea themselves.


No. And why are you even asking this question. This is getting sicker by the day

— Superhip83 (@superhip83) January 8, 2021


No and it’s a disgrace you are discussing this!

— Scott Buller (@scottbuller) January 8, 2021


Several viewers also pointed out that one of the hosts of ‘Good Morning Britain', Piers Morgan, has come under fire recently for reportedly fleeing a strict UK lockdown to go on holiday to the Caribbean.


In September, UK Crime and Policing Minister Kit Malthouse encouraged Brits to report neighbours who were taking part in meetings of more than six people, and in April – at the very start of the Covid-19 pandemic – police revealed that nearly 200,000 calls had already been made reporting coronavirus rule breakers.

Anonymous ID: 42e01f Jan. 8, 2021, 9:30 a.m. No.12401166   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1175 >>1213 >>1252 >>1470 >>1714 >>1776

LeBron James goes on Capitol chaos rant: There are '2 AMERIKKKAS' and we 's**tted away 4 years' by electing Trump


'We don't get anything back from this country apart from a slap in the face'


NBA superstar LeBron James reacted to the chaos at the U.S. Capitol by criticizing the tenure of President Donald Trump and claiming there are two different "AMERIKKKAS," where Black Lives Matter rioters are treated worse than the rioters who stormed the Capitol building on Wednesday.


Before Thursday's Los Angeles Lakers game against the San Antonio Spurs, LeBron walked into the Staples Center wearing a shirt that read: "DO YOU UNDERSTAND NOW?" In a smaller font, the shirt stated: "In memoriam of the countless Black lives lost to police brutality and racial injustice."


LeBron posted a photo of him wearing his shirt on Instagram.


"DO YOU UNDERSTAND NOW???!! I know the answer to that," LeBron wrote on Instagram, and included several cursing angry emojis. "You still don't cause no matter what happens you still won't be judge, looked at crazy, chained, beaten, hung, shot to death cause of the color of your skin!!!! 2 AMERIKKKAS we live in and it was at FULL CAPACITY LIVE IN DIRECT yesterday in our Nations CAPITAL AT THE CAPITOL!!"


James tagged the post with the hashtag: #IPrayForBetterDaysForMyPeople.


Following the game, James commented on the riots at the U.S. Capitol. The Lakers star suggested that Trump supporters received preferential treatment from law enforcement during the unrest in Washington, D.C., and labeled those involved as "terrorists."


"And that was a prime example of that yesterday, and if you don't understand that or don't see that after seeing what you saw yesterday, then you really need to take a step back — not even just one step, but maybe four or five, or even 10 steps backwards and ask yourself how do you want your kids, or how do you want your grandkids, or how do we want America to be viewed as?" James said during a post-game press conference. "Do we want to live in this beautiful country?"


"If those were my kind storming the Capitol, what would have been the outcome? And I think we all know," James said during his diatribe. "There's no ifs, ands or buts — we already know what would've happened to my kind if anyone would have even got close to the Capitol, let alone storm inside the offices, inside the hallways."


“I couldn't help but wonder, if it was my kind storming the Capitol, what would have been the outcome?"…

— NBA TV (@NBA TV)1610089554.0


James asked, "Do you understand how hard it is for us [black people] to continue to live our lives the way we live, continue to inspire, continue to give everything we got?


"Everyone jumps on the bandwagon of what we provide, what we bring, the way we dress, our music, our culture, our food," LeBron ranted. "Everyone steals from what we do, and then they want to act like they did it or they brought it to this world.


"We don't get our due diligence, the respect, we don't get anything back from this country apart from a slap in the face," said the 36-year-old NBA superstar who earns about $100 million a year and has an estimated net worth of $500 million.

Anonymous ID: 42e01f Jan. 8, 2021, 9:31 a.m. No.12401193   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1470 >>1714 >>1776

Global index providers follow Wall Street, remove Chinese telecom stocks


US index publisher MSCI and others – FTSE Russell and S&P Dow Jones Indices – announced the removal of Chinese telecom firms from their benchmarks over the US’ investment ban, triggering massive sell-off of the affected stocks.


MSCI was the latest to announce that Hong-Kong-traded securities of three Chinese companies – China Mobile, China Telecom, and China Unicom Hong Kong – will be dropped from its indices, with the decision effective as of the close of business on Friday. Similar statements were earlier made by its British peer FTSE Russell and S&P Dow Jones Indices, with the two compilers due to drop the telecom trio not later than Monday.


All three providers cited US President Donald Trump’s order that prohibits Americans from owning or trading the securities of Chinese companies that the US claims have links to China’s military. The ban, which was introduced in November, targets over 30 firms, and has already resulted in the removal of other Chinese corporations from the global indices. Chinese corporate titans Alibaba and Tencent could also be added to the investment ban, further flaring tensions between the world’s largest economies.

Read more

Alibaba, Tencent stocks plunge amid ongoing US crusade on investment in Chinese firms Alibaba, Tencent stocks plunge amid ongoing US crusade on investment in Chinese firms


The index publishers had to drop the Chinese telecom majors following the delisting decision of the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), which changed its mind over the firms three times in just one week, but finally returned to the initial plan to delist their shares, creating confusion among investors and triggering wild swings in stock prices.


Though investors still have several months until November 11 to divest, the stocks of all three firms had steep losses on Friday. China Mobile shares hit a more than 14-year low and lost over four percent in Hong Kong. Similar losses were seen in China Telecom shares, while China Unicom fell by 11 percent. The sell-off wiped out over $5 billion in the affected firms’ value in Hong Kong, according to Reuters.


As some investors, including Americans, rushed to shed their holdings of the blacklisted stocks, others used the opportunity to find bargains. Mainland holdings of shares in some of the affected companies nearly tripled, Reuters said citing stock exchange operator Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Ltd.


Some investors who see the current situation as a buying opportunity say that the course of events may change as soon as Trump officially leaves office, while others say that even if the ban stays in place, it has nothing to do with the fundamentals of the affected firms. Moreover, China may benefit from the US delisting, as the firms kicked off of US exchanges have or will have secondary listings in Hong Kong, making the market even more attractive.

Anonymous ID: 42e01f Jan. 8, 2021, 9:32 a.m. No.12401206   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1249 >>1300 >>1470 >>1714 >>1776

AOC Demands Cruz and Hawley Resign: ‘Senate Should Move for Your Expulsion’



Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) on Thursday demanded resignations from both Sens. Ted Cruz (R-TX) and Josh Hawley (R-MO), accusing them of playing a key role in instigating the Capitol riots for expressing their intent to object to the electoral votes in disputed states ahead of the joint session of Congress.


“Sen. Cruz, you must accept responsibility for how your craven, self-serving actions contributed to the deaths of four people yesterday. And how you fundraised off this riot. Both you and Senator Hawley must resign. If you do not, the Senate should move for your expulsion,” she said in response to the Texas senator’s statements on the riots, calling the protests on the Capitol a “despicable act of terrorism and a shocking assault on our democratic system”:


Sen. Cruz, you must accept responsibility for how your craven, self-serving actions contributed to the deaths of four people yesterday. And how you fundraised off this riot.


Both you and Senator Hawley must resign. If you do not, the Senate should move for your expulsion.


— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) January 7, 2021


Cruz shot back, calling the New York lawmaker a “liar.”


“Leading a debate in the Senate on ensuring election integrity is doing our jobs, and it’s in no way responsible for the despicable terrorists who attacked the Capitol yesterday,” he responded:


2/2 …try to massively raise taxes, when you try to pass the green new deal & destroy millions of jobs, when you push for amnesty, when you try to pack the Supreme Court w/ activists to undermine our Constitutional rights…


I will fight that every step & stand with the People.


— Ted Cruz (@tedcruz) January 7, 2021


Ocasio-Cortez responded with a screenshot of a fundraising message sent from his campaign on Wednesday.


“Your complete refusal to acknowledge any of the above harm, wrongdoing, or even misjudgement; & your lack of any self-reflection in how these acts contributed to yesterday’s chaos is alarming,” she said, concluding that it makes him “unfit” for office, prompting a pointed response from Cruz:


Oh – you’re accusing me of lying?


Isn’t this you? Your campaign sent out this fundraising message as people were sieging the Capitol. You claimed to be “leading the fight to reject electors.”


Clashes started around 1:20pm. This message was sent after the Capitol was breached.


— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) January 7, 2021




— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) January 7, 2021


1. Yes, my campaign sends out automated fundraising messages—as does your campaign & every other.


2. When the attack happened, w/in minutes I told my team to halt fundraising.


3. Your LIE is that debating an Election Commission in the Senate somehow supports terrorist violence.


— Ted Cruz (@tedcruz) January 7, 2021


Similarly, Ocasio-Cortez responded to Hawley’s statement about Simon & Schuster canceling his contract, accusing him of fist-pumping insurrectionists while “baselessly” attacking the U.S. elections.


“Your actions fueled a riot and you fundraised in the chaos. Five people are dead. Even your GOP colleagues have distanced from your act,” she continued, ultimately calling for him to be expelled:


You fist-pumped insurrectionists and baselessly attacked our elections. Your actions fueled a riot and you fundraised in the chaos. Five people are dead.


Even your GOP colleagues have distanced from your acts.


Yet here you are crying over a book deal. You should be expelled.


— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) January 8, 2021


Ocasio-Cortez is among more than 230 lawmakers in the House and Senate — almost entirely Democrats — calling for President Trump’s impeachment.

Anonymous ID: 42e01f Jan. 8, 2021, 9:34 a.m. No.12401233   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1248 >>1470 >>1535 >>1714 >>1776

Marco Rubio Calls for ‘Honest Reflection’ in the Conservative Movement After Riots


Sen. Marco Rubio called for “honest reflection” in the conservative movement on Friday after a group of President Donald Trump’s supporters stormed Capitol Hill on Wednesday.


“For those of us on the center-right of American politics, now is the time that calls for honest reflection,” he said in a video posted to social media.


Rubio reminded Trump supporters that the Republican Party won the House, the Senate, and the White House in 2016 but lost their majorities in all three federal houses of power in four years.


“We need to reflect on why this has happened because this country needs a viable, attractive alternative to the agenda of the radical left,” he said.


Rubio said he did not want to go back to the Republican party of 2012 that was “out of touch” with the working Americans who ultimately rejected the establishment and backed President Trump.


He said Republicans should continue to fight for working Americans over corporations, welcome legal immigrants while enforcing immigration laws, and take the threat of China seriously.


He also called for working to improve America’s elections.


“We have to investigate what went wrong in the last election and fix our elections laws, so people can have faith and confidence in them,” he said.


Rubio appeared to recognize some of Trump’s biggest lessons for the Republican party, noting supporters should continue to call out corporate media bias and the hypocrisy of the left.


“We must continue to call out the media bias instead of being bullied by it,” he said. “And we must oppose political correctness, social media censorship, identity politics, and this cult of wokeness.”


Rubio argued that it was possible to continue fighting for the things that they cared about without being destructive.


“We can do all these things without indulging the darkest instincts or inciting the most destructive impulses — and without the rhetoric or behavior that keep the millions of Americans who agree with us from joining us in this fight,” he said, appearing to criticize some of Trump’s behavior in office that influenced some of his supporters.


The U.S. Capitol is on lockdown after Trump supporters breached the building, breaking through barriers and clashing with police as lawmakers gather for a joint session of Congress to count and certify the electoral votes from the presidential election.


— Breitbart News (@BreitbartNews) January 6, 2021


Rubio did not defend Trump’s supporters who stormed Capitol Hill, noting the mob violence that killed five Americans including a Capitol Hill Police officer “should sicken every single one of us.”


“I don’t care what hat they wear or what banner they’re carrying, riots should be rejected by everyone every single time,” he said.


But Rubio expressed sympathy for conservatives who were angry about the left and the media and called out their double standard used to judge Trump’s supporters who rioted in the Capitol versus the Black Lives Matter riots over the summer.


“Now, are the Left hypocrites? Absolutely,” he said. “I remember, what they now are calling insurrection, they were justifying just this summer. They were called it the ‘language of the unheard’ when rioters were burning cities.”


Sheldon Edelson's puppet speaks

Anonymous ID: 42e01f Jan. 8, 2021, 9:36 a.m. No.12401268   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1365

Ex-Govt Minister Could Face Prosecution for Separating Child Brides from Migrant Husbands


A former migration minister faces procecution because she ordered child brides to be removed from their older migrant adult husbands during the 2016 Europe Migrant Crisis, an act lawyers have claimed was illegal.


Inger Støjberg used the order in 2016 when she served as immigration and integration minister in the previous Danish government and separated 23 couples where one partner in the adult relationship was legally a child in Danish law.


Lawyers Anne Birgitte Gammelfjord and Jon Lauritzen presented a report to the Danish parliament, the Folketing, outlining the basis on which a case could be brought against the former minister, newspaper Berlingske reports.


The lawyers say that not only is there a basis for a trial against Ms Støjberg, but added that an indictment could lead to a conviction, as well. Støjberg has been under attack by activists over the child brides policy almost constantly since 2016, with parliamentary hearings over the policy to protect children in 2017 and an investigation in 2020, which stated that the former minister had “misled” parliament.


The matter will now go to a vote in the Folketing and according to Berlingske, three parties, the ruling Social Democrats, Venstre, and the Conservatives, remain undecided on how they will vote.


The anti-mass migration Danish People’s Party (DF) said they were against impeaching the former minister along with the New Right, whose leader Pernille Vermund stated: “For us, it is absolutely crucial that not a single witness has said that the minister has ordered them to do something illegal.”


Five other parties, including the Social Liberal Party, Socialist People’s Party, and Liberal Alliance, have said they will move to impeach Støjberg.


Imam Oussama El-Saadi of the Aarhus mosque had criticised the former Danish government for separating the couples at the time the policy was active, saying in February 2016 that Denmark must respect migrant families, regardless of the age of brides.


“One should look at these cases from a different perspective. It is an extraordinary humanitarian situation, and I think you have to take care of these families. They’re married, and even if the man is twice as old as they have built a family. We have to accept that it is a different culture, and we can not destroy family life,” the imam had said.

Anonymous ID: 42e01f Jan. 8, 2021, 9:37 a.m. No.12401309   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1336 >>1347 >>1470 >>1714 >>1746 >>1776 >>1820

Boris Johnson: Trump ‘Encouraged People to Storm the Capitol’


Prime Minister Boris Johnson has blamed President Donald Trump for violence in the American capital by some of his supporters, saying he was “completely wrong” to dispute the results of “a free and fair election”.


“All my life America has stood for some very important things. An idea of freedom, an idea of democracy,” proclaimed Johnson, who was himself born in Manhattan, New York, and only renounced his U.S. citizenship around 2017.


“[I]nsofar as he encouraged people to storm the Capitol, and in so far as the President has consistently cast doubt on the outcome of a free and fair election, I believe that was completely wrong,” the Tory leader told BBC political correspondent Alex Forsyth.


“I believe what President Trump has been saying about that has been completely wrong and I unreservedly condemn encouraging people to behave in the disgraceful way that they did in the Capitol,” he added.


LBC Host and Former BBC Presenter During Capitol Riot: ‘Shoot Them… You Would if They Were Black’


— Breitbart London (@BreitbartLondon) January 7, 2021


Home Secretary Priti Patel, whose department is responsible, broadly speaking, for immigration, border security, and law and order in the United Kingdom, also laid the blame for the disorder in D.C. at the President’s feet.


“He basically has made a number of comments yesterday that helped to fuel that violence and he didn’t actually do anything to de-escalate that whatsoever,” she alleged.


Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer, perhaps less surprisingly, also condemned the U.S. leader, with the knee-taking left-liberal saying the breach of the Capitol was the “culmination of years of the politics of hate and division”.


We kneel with all those opposing anti-Black racism. #BlackLivesMatter


— Keir Starmer (@Keir_Starmer) June 9, 2020


While Prime Minister Johnson is often portrayed as something of a British counterpart to President Trump, due to their shared support for Brexit and a number of more superficial characteristics, such as a reputation for colourful turns of phrase and striking hairstyles, the two are not particularly close politically.


Indeed, Johnson is a long-time supporter of large-scale legal immigration and amnesty for illegal aliens, and condemned Trump as “out of his mind” and “unfit to hold the office of President of the United States” in 2015, when he was a candidate running for the Republican party nomination.


Quizzed on remarks the future POTUS has made on Islamic immigration in the wake of several terror attacks and no-go zones in London, where Johnson was mayor, the Briton said: “I would invite him to come and see the whole of London and take him round the city except that I wouldn’t want to expose Londoners to any unnecessary risk of meeting Donald Trump.”


Such views are not particularly uncommon among Britain’s establishment right. One Conservative party parliamentarian who has blamed Trump the Capitol breach, Lucy Farris, is even a former Hillary Clinton staffer.

Anonymous ID: 42e01f Jan. 8, 2021, 9:38 a.m. No.12401320   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Hungarians Launch Anti-Censorship Social Media Network


A newly launched Hungarian social media network claims it wants to create a censorship-free platform with a million users in a country of ten million people by the end of the year.


The new network, named Hundub, has attracted 40,000 subscribers so far after launching on December 6th, 2020, to a Hungarian audience. It is seen as a close homage to Facebook but has promised to provide users with an environment free of censors, beyond what is illegal under Hungarian law.


According to a report from French newspaper La Croix, the network has some differences from Facebook, including a button that allegedly encourages users to post politically incorrect images on the platform.


Csaba Pàl, the founder of the network, said he was surprised at the platform’s rapid growth. However, some have criticised Hundub’s launch; others have even claimed that Prime Minister Viktor Orbán is secretly behind the network, which the creators have denied.


The new social media company’s formation comes after members of Orbán’s party, the conservative Fidesz, have clashed with Facebook, including Justice Minister Judit Varga.


Poland to Pass Law Protecting Online Free Speech Against Big Tech Censorship


— Breitbart London (@BreitbartLondon) December 26, 2020


In December, Varga accused Facebook of manipulating and changing its algorithms to decrease the number of interactions with her Facebook page. She also discussed the role of social media in the upcoming 2022 national election.


“We see what is happening in the world, we see that the power groups behind global tech companies can even make choices. We must not be naive, we must be prepared for any eventuality and the operations and decisions of these global companies must be made transparent,” she said.


Facebook later responded to the accusations, stating that the company had not taken any actions against her social media page.


While Hundub states it will be free from censorship, swastikas and the communist hammer and sickle symbol are both banned from the platform due to it operating under Hungarian law. The site’s creators hope to attract a million users by the end of 2021, in a country of around ten million.


Big Tech censorship had been a significant issue in the United States, where many social media giants like Facebook, Twitter, and Google are based.


In November, conservative political commentator Tucker Carlson stated that big tech censorship was a form of election tampering and cited a well-documented claim that Google has suppressed stories about then-candidate Joe Biden from its search algorithm.


Hungary Announces Investigation into Social Media Censorship in Europe


— Breitbart London (@BreitbartLondon) August 13, 2019

Anonymous ID: 42e01f Jan. 8, 2021, 9:38 a.m. No.12401334   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Border Apprehensions Jump to Highest Level Since Year 2000


U.S. Border Patrol agents apprehended nearly 208,000 migrants during the first quarter of Fiscal Year 2021 who illegally crossed the southwest border between ports of entry. This is the highest first-quarter figure since Fiscal Year 2000.


Border Patrol agents assigned to the nine southwest border sectors apprehended 207,968 migrants who illegally crossed the border during the first three months of this fiscal year, according to the Southwest Land Border Encounters report published by U.S. Customs and Border Protection Thursday evening. Historic reports indicate this is the largest first-quarter apprehension rate since the Clinton administration in FY2000.


“We’re already seeing the negative impacts of the proposed policy changes,” U.S. Customs and Border Protection Acting Commissioner Mark Morgan said in a press conference on January 5. The commissioner said the Mexican cartels and other human smugglers are spreading the word to migrants that our borders will be open to them.


“In this case, they’re correct,” Morgan said. “They’re right — it’s not just the perception.”


Apprehensions in December 2020 reached 70,630 — a jump from 32,853 in December 2019 (a 115 percent increase). This also marks the highest number of December apprehensions since FY2000.


During the first quarter of this fiscal year, Border Patrol agents expelled 183,434 of the 207,968 migrants under Title 42 Coronavirus protection protocols established by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, CBP reports indicate. Commissioner Morgan previously told Breitbart News that most of these expulsions occur within two hours of their arrest to prevent further exposure to Border Patrol agents, CBP employees, and the American public.


During the January 5 press conference, Morgan said these Q1 numbers would be another immigration crisis but for the policies put in place by the Trump Administration. Those policies include the Remain in Mexico Program and the Title 42 CDC programs that allow the near-immediate return to Mexico of apprehended migrants.


“You take that ability away and that 2,500 [arrivals] a day becomes a crisis overnight,” Morgan told reporters. “That’s what concerns us.”


The demographics of the migrants being apprehended are reported to be overwhelmingly single adults in Fiscal Year 2020 and the first quarter of FY21. This is a shift from FY19 when Family Unit Aliens and Unaccompanied Minors dominate the apprehension figures.


During the first quarter, agents apprehended 180,633 single adults (two-thirds of total apprehensions for the quarter). This represents a 178 percent increase when compared to the same period one year ago (65,085).


The Rio Grande Valley Sector continues to be the busiest of the nine southwest border sectors. This is followed by the Tucson and El Paso Sectors.

Anonymous ID: 42e01f Jan. 8, 2021, 9:41 a.m. No.12401394   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1442 >>1470 >>1714 >>1776

South African COVID variant immune to antibody treatments


COVID found in South Africa appears to “obviate some of our medical countermeasures, particularly the antibody drugs,” says Dr. Scott Gottlieb, the former FDA chief.


Both Scotland and England have announced national lockdowns in the face of the new, highly-infectious strain of COVID.


This new strain of COVID has been found in 33-countries. Just last week, the United States confirmed its first case of the new, more contagious variant of COVID that is currently ripping through Europe.


Last week, scientists warned Prime Minister Boris Johnson that a new variant of COVID poses a real threat to London, encouraging Johnson to set strict lockdown measures in London. Now, that variant has been found in France. Fortunately, the CDC is requiring all travelers from Europe to have a negative COVID test.


Should the new strain––or any new strain––make it to the United States, the results would be catastrophic. California, for example, continues to break COVID records, and as a result hospitals in the state are being “crushed” by an influx of patients. ICU beds are rapidly disappearing, especially in the southern half of the state.


Donald Trump has tweeted 729 times since the election, and none of those tweets were about COVID’s death toll. If that doesn’t show you he isn’t taking COVID seriously, try this on for size. Pfizer said that it has millions of vaccines ready to ship out, but the federal government hasn’t directed those shipments.


Jenna Ellis, one of the lawyers on Trump’s legal team, has COVID. If you’re hearing Queen’s “Another One Bites the Dust” ringing in your ears… Rudy Giuliani, the center of media spectacles about the so-called stolen election, has COVID. His son, Andrew Giuliani, also has COVID.


The White House, already chock full of coronavirus cases, is hosting nearly a dozen indoor holiday parties.Donald Trump Jr. tested positive for COVID two weeks ago. In case that doesn’t make it abundantly clear that Trump doesn’t care about COVID and who gets it––and who might die because of it––a whopping 130 Secret Service agents are either COVID positive or quarantining after Trump refused to quarantine (and took a victory lap from the hospital where he was recovering from COVID).


Three more people close to Donald Trump have tested positive for COVID. Two are White House aides, including the political director, and the third was a guest of Rudy Giuliani.


Mark Meadows, Trump’s chief of staff, has also recently tested positive for COVID. His aides are frustrated because he did not issue a statement and only advised a close circle. That put Trump’s entire staff at risk.



Anonymous ID: 42e01f Jan. 8, 2021, 9:43 a.m. No.12401433   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Washington rioter identified as son of New York Modern Orthodox judge


Aaron Mostofsky, whose father is Kings County Supreme Court Judge Mostofsky, entered the building wearing fur pelts and a bulletproof vest and carrying a riot shield he said he found.


One of the rioters who invaded the US Capitol on Wednesday has been identified as the son ofSteven (Shlomo) Mostofsky, a New York judgeand former president of the National Council of Young Israel, an Orthodox synagogue association that has been outspokenly pro-Trump, the Gothamist reported on Thursday.

Aaron Mostofsky, whose father is Kings County Supreme Court Judge Mostofsky, entered the building wearing fur pelts and a bulletproof vest and carrying a riot shield he said he found, Gothamist reported, citing the New York Post.

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Mostofsky was photographed several times on Wednesday next to Jake Angeli, a QAnon supporter who also wore a horned hat and furry outfit, though it is not clear that their outfits were coordinated.


When asked by The Post for a justification for storming the Capitol, he responded that it was because "the election was stolen."


“We were cheated,” he said. “I don’t think 75 million people voted for Trump — I think it was close to 85 million.”

“I think certain states that have been red for a long time turned blue and were stolen, like New York," he told The Post.


Mostofsky’s brother Nachman, the executive director of Chovevei Zion, a politically conservative Orthodox advocacy organization, as well as a Brooklyn district leader and vice president of the South Brooklyn Conservative Club, also attended the rally Wednesday but did not enter the Capitol.Back in December, William Barr, US attorney-general at the time, who had been appointed by Trump, denied any evidence of widespread election fraud.


Aaron was amongst the earlier groups to breach the Capitol, which cut lawmakers short of announcing Joe Biden's election victory. They later confirmed his triumph, one that even Trump acknowledged eventually.

"My brother did nothing illegal," Aaron's brother, Nachman told Gothamist. "He definitely was not part of the riot."

Nachman insisted to the Gothamist that his brother was "pushed inside" the Capitol, that he didn't voluntary break in.


“No conservative will condone what happened today, the actual storming of the Capitol … it was unpatriotic,” he said. “But we heard for months during the summer when people don’t feel heard, this is what happens.”


As recently as Thursday morning, Trump had continued to claim falsely that the election had been stolen from him. On Thursday, he said his focus would now turn to ensuring a smooth transition to a Biden administration.

Social media companies have been under pressure to police misinformation about the US election on their platforms, including from the president.


Trump and his allies for months have amplified baseless claims of election fraud, driving the organizing for Wednesday's demonstration.

Anonymous ID: 42e01f Jan. 8, 2021, 9:48 a.m. No.12401538   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1559 >>1565

Jeffrey Epstein's $18m 'house of horrors' to be demolished: Developer who bought the Florida beach estate where he abused children wants to pull it down and build a new mansion


The Florida mansion where Jeffrey Epstein sexually abused young girls has been bought by a real estate developer who plans to demolish it.


Todd Michael Glaser, a Florida real estate developer, has signed a contract to buy the property, and is hoping to close on it by January 15.


He plans to tear the property down and replace it with a 14,000-square-foot 'Art Moderne home' and if everything goes according to plan he hopes to have the place flattened before April 1.


Before such a demolition can proceed, Glaser must ask for permission fromneighbors in order to raze the six-bedroom main house and three-bedroom staff house.


Such a request is necessary because of the pricey nature of the posh enclave which usually prohibits such demolition projects during the winter months, when wealthy snowbirds flock to so-called Billionaires Row for its warm climate, white sandy beaches and palatial homes.


'Neighbors who are usually against something like this will possibly be for it,' Glaser told The Daily News.


'We have all these gawkers. If the house is gone, what are they going to take a picture of? So we might be able to get it knocked down early, which I want to do, just to get rid of it,' he said.


'Palm Beach is going to be very happy that it's gone,' he added.


'It's wild. People came out to the site, sent emails. People showed up at my house in Miami Beach. I have a woman telling me she's calling the EPA, something about nuclear medicine,' he said.

Anonymous ID: 42e01f Jan. 8, 2021, 9:50 a.m. No.12401576   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1653

Project Veritas: “James O’Keefe response to those who say no one is ever held accountable”

Anonymous ID: 42e01f Jan. 8, 2021, 9:57 a.m. No.12401719   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The Totalitarian Roots Of The Democrats 'Unspeakably Evil', Baby-Slaughtering Government Provide Us More Signs 'A Great Purge' Awaits Us In The Days Ahead Like With All Communist Regimes


  • It's Way Past Time To Declassify Everything: Let The American People Be The Judge And Jury


Back when the Washington Post did its job and reported some 'real news' rather than 'weaponized propaganda', they published this story titled "Lessons from a century of communism" within which they reported Communism has brought the world a record of government 'mass murder and oppression', with Communist states killing as many as 100 million of their own people.


More than all other repressive regimes combined during the same time period, with the biggest toll arising from communist efforts to collectivize agriculture and eliminate independent property-owning peasants, as their story reported: Mao Zedong’s Great Leap Forward led to a man-made famine in which as many as 45 million people perished – the single biggest episode of mass murder in all of world history.


And while you might ask why I am bringing up the history of Communism in 2021, as we'll explore within this ANP story, the look back at history is absolutely necessary considering 'the present', what's been unfolding in America for the past several decades, as well as a look at America's very-near future considering Democrats are now poised to take control of the entire United States government.


With the Democrats 'pet project', abortion, once again the leading cause of death in America in 2020 (yes, in the year of Covid-19 and 'the scamdemic'!), following abortion being the leading cause of death in 2019 in the US and worldwide, one doesn't have to look too far to see the Democrats agenda into the future.


In fact all one needs to do is look back at the past. And as this story over at HNewsWire titled "Has America Become One Of The Most Evil Nations On The Entire Planet?" had warned back just in 2019, "America is in Deep Trouble If We Don’t Realize Government Is a Criminal Entity." From that story:

Anonymous ID: 42e01f Jan. 8, 2021, 9:58 a.m. No.12401744   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1776

It Is The Hyphen That Tore America Apart: GOP Freshman Wants Israeli Flag In Front Of Her Office


Freshman Rep. Kat Cammack, R-Fla., got the spotlight when she announced she would place an Israeli flag outside her office because she opposes neighbor Rep. Rashida Tlaib, the first Palestinian-American woman elected to Congress. While there is no issue with supporting Israel, the situation has highlighted what is in fact wrong with America - hyphenations. While Tlaib waves her Palestinian Flag and Cammack her Israeli one, Omar Her Somali one and even pelosi with her Italian flag, who is actually American first? A 1980's invention has turned from a source of ethnic pride to the reason America is fractured - nationalism is dead.


Tlaib is the epitomy of evil and everyhting MAGA fights against, however even the respect we have for Israel, who is arguably one of our most loyal and valuable allies cannot justify the acceptance of a foreign flag being flown inside the AMERICAN PEOPLE's Capitol.


The fact there are Italian flags, Irish flags, Somali flags and the non-existent Palestinian State flag is part of the problem with America - no one is loyal to America first and this is the issue here.


"Rep. Tlaib, who has an office right next to mine in DC, has some strong opinions about Israel that


[100%] I disagree with, so I’ve made a pledge to plant Israel’s flag outside my door right next to the American flag. I think it’ll be very helpful as she walks past both every day," Cammack posted on Twitter on Wednesday morning.


The Israeli flag was sent to her by Gators for Israel, an AIPAC-trained campus group at the University of Florida, which works to advance a bipartisan US-Israel relationship.


the group shared an article on Cammack’s flag pledge, writing “Gators for Israel is proud to continue building a strong relationship with our newly sworn-in member of Congress.”


Cammack endured some criticism for her tweet.


"Oooh, good one! Maybe next you can look into planting Apartheid-era South African flags near your Black colleagues’ offices. Or maybe just some Jim Crow-era signage at the water


coolers?" Palestinian-American political scientist Omar Baddar replied to her on Twitter.


"My apologies, Congresswoman. I mistook you for a Floridian and was unaware that Israel was represented in the Congress," Baylor University YAF Chairman Zachary Miller likewise wrote on Twitter.


Although, some of the comments she got were actually positive.


"Thank you for your support to #Israel Congresswoman Kat Cammack!" the Israeli consulate in Miami wrote on its official Twitter account.


A spokesman for Tlaib labeled Cammack's action as a publicity stunt.


"Congressional members were elected to take on pressing issues impacting their constituents, not publicity stunts. Rep. Tlaib is focused on solving issues and showing up for her constituents. One can only hope that Rep. Cammack will do the same," Tlaib's spokesman told The Times of Israel.


Tlaib has likewise faced criticism for her remarks about Jews as well as her backing for the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions movement against Israel.


Tlaib was criticized by House Republicans last year after describing the "calm feeling" she felt when imagining the Holocaust. Though, after criticism, the congresswoman hurried to explain that her critics were policing and "twisting" her words and maintained the comments she made.


The Michigan congresswoman likewise made headlines when she sought a humanitarian visit to her grandmother after the Israeli government denied her and Rep. Ilhan Omar's, D-Minn., demand to enter the Jewish state. Citing their itinerary, Israel explained that their visit was meant to increase boycotts against the nation.