Fuck off, brantard. Go jack it to your fear porn in mommy's closet- call AJ, he will help
Anons are busy WINNING!!!!
Fuck off, brantard. Go jack it to your fear porn in mommy's closet- call AJ, he will help
Anons are busy WINNING!!!!
(but not in a homo way)
Youre either a shill or literally retarded.
It IS over, and WE won! Calm yout tits, wipe your nose and sit the fuck up straight, faggot
When you figure out how fucked you all are, just remember how stupid you are and then you'll get how it happened.
Trump OWNED your stupid asses
Well no shit
I seriously just don't have the patience to explain this to you. LOOK AROUND. READ. FUCK, the info is getting posted over and over and over. I have no respect for anyone who won't even pay the fuck attention
We may not. But THEY do. They are watching the walls close in on them real-time.
The little hidden gems of humor