On a slow day, Kim has much hotter chicks around him than some washed up old porn whore.
Justice John Roberts sided with Jugears to rule in favor of 0bamamcare.
I always thought it was because of the shady adoption of Roberts' daughters.
We now have to rethink things in terms of him being kiddy diddling compromised.
Entirely predictable.
Past response to invasion has been passivity.
No reason the invaders would think things have changed.
The invaders literally had nothing to lose by storming our border … NOTHING.
Invasion of the USA is an all gain, no lose endeavor.
Prove me wrong.
We might as well get ready for another caravan … this time it will be 3000 instead of 300.
Those sure are mean words on that thar paper.
Did those mean words work?
I recall a man named Neville Chamberlain tried this approach ….
>SCOTUS is doing damage by leaving that festering sore open.
If it goes much longer, shear numbers of invaders will necessitate a violent defense of our country.
It's almost like everyone in charge of a peaceful outcome wants that.
Fuckers live in gated communities and think they'll never have to deal with the shit once a civil war breaks out.
I got news for them, I'm going for traitors first.
>why did Ben Shapiro say we "elected a reality show?"
Because Ben Shapiro is a never-Trump liddle cunt.
Granted that this cunt is an actress.
But she really does look like she knows she's fucked.