Anonymous ID: 90f7db April 29, 2018, 4:58 p.m. No.1240404   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0464 >>0891

Congressmen Call for Disclosure of U.S. Aid to Palestinian Terrorists

Letter calls for suspension of aid to the Palestinians


Members of Congress hope to compel the State Department to disclose the amount of U.S. aid money the Palestinian Authority has given to convicted terrorists and their families, according to a congressional communication viewed by the Free Beacon that calls for a complete freeze in U.S. aid to the Palestinian government.


Following passage of the Taylor Force Act, which requires the Palestinian government to stop these payments or face a full cutoff in aid, the lawmakers are seeking to immediately freeze U.S. aid to the Palestinians until the State Department explains to lawmakers how it plans to enforce the new law.


The Palestinian Authority continues to spend U.S. aid dollars on terrorists. Palestinian officials have also made clear that they have no intention of following the new law and will continue to provide terrorists and their familiar with compensation.


The State Department is required to report to Congress this week on its implementation of the Taylor Force Act and explain what efforts it is taking to stop Palestinian payments to terrorists.


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Anonymous ID: 90f7db April 29, 2018, 5:21 p.m. No.1240647   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0748 >>0806 >>0840 >>0891

U.S. Government Hiding Report on Number of Palestinian Refugees

Lawmakers demand public release of report that could affect allocation of funds.


The U.S. government continues to inappropriately keep classified a report on Palestinian refugees that congressional officials view as a potential game changer in how America approaches its regional policies and allocates billions in taxpayer funds, according to multiple sources with knowledge of the report.


The State Department continues to keep it secret in order to not disrupt billions of dollars in allocations to United Nations Relief Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA), the organization responsible for providing aid to what they claim is some 5.2 million Palestinian refugees.


The State Department is intentionally trying to keep the document secret, not for national security reasons, but because of the political implications of its release.


Rep. Chris Stewart (R., Utah) told the Free Beacon in a recent interview that the report's release could change how America provides aid dollars to the Palestinians and UNRWA.

"On its face, when you understand this issue, you think why in the world is this classified?" Steward said. "This isn't the codes to launch nuclear missiles."


UNRWA is a deeply problematic organization that, among other things, goes out of its way to screw with Israel," said one senior congressional official with knowledge of the situation. "If they needed to exist maybe there'd be an excuse. But Congress has very good reason to believe that the number of refugees is way overblown. The State Department wants to hide the real number from becoming public, despite the national interests and taxpayer money at stake."


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Anonymous ID: 90f7db April 29, 2018, 5:47 p.m. No.1240956   🗄️.is 🔗kun

VIDEO: FORMER FBI HEAVYWEIGHT KALLSTROM: Comey’s “Lost His Mind … This is Third-World Country Stuff”


We are predicting a tough week or James Comey and Robert Mueller.


For Comey, things went sour quickly on Sunday when former Assistant Director of the FBI Jim Kallstrom tuned him up like a piano on FOX News.


Kallstrom had this to say to Maria Bartiromo:

I think he’s lost his mind, Jim Comey. I don’t understand what his act is… This conversation with the President of the United States is automatically classified. At least it was when I was in the government. Unless they’ve changed rules like that. But Maria we’re in a three act play and it’s not a comedy. It’s a tragedy… Who are they (Clapper and Brennan) to be threatening the President of the United States?… And I have no doubt that they’ve conspired with others including Jim Comey, and others unnamed at this point.

