Anonymous ID: cb62f8 April 29, 2018, 5:43 p.m. No.1240899   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0912 >>0925


timewarp tactic

repeat repeat repeat

just like bread before

and bread before


Find another source than YourNewsWire.

They're trying to "pizzagate" the NXIVM story, same gameplay all over again.

bad mixed with good.

Definitely on-target (not this article, but NXIVM digs).


The play is obvious:


real story + various unfounded claims + discredited source = the "pizzagate" effect…


Poisoning the well, trying to derail from what's solid to what's wilder and more easily spinned.

Once a source is established as not credible it has a whole other use, it can be used to hide and tarnish embarassing truths, as well.


>1 & 1 don’t equal 2.



when something is true

lies told about it

does not make it

any less true

but it can make them

appear not to be