Q said last bread or so
That OPERATORS have died in our cause
That's a big fucking deal to me
Good men. Brave men. Men who won't be coming home to see jr., men who won't be coming to to see their kids grow up, to see their wives again, to mow the grass, to help build a home, a family, a community, a nation will never be coming home again.
Something about that makes me want to set a fire in Lyn De Rothchilds panties tonight.
Anons - we must take this country back or die fucking trying.
If your POTUS loses, we're fucked 10 different ways to Sunday!
You don't know if we are going to win!
That's how fucking WARFARE happens. One bastard wins, and some panty waste Illuminati Titty sucker dies. That's just how it goes.
But this particular war isn't in the head lines or plastered in print.
But it's the most important war you've never witnessed.
If we lose. [THEY] will wipe you and I the fuck out, and you'll pay their little heimy asses for the poison!
We can't lose.
We must do what we must.
However we can.
By the Patriots Hand!