Anonymous ID: b84d75 Jan. 8, 2021, 10:46 a.m. No.12402639   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2779 >>2912 >>3174 >>3280

Iranian Revolutionary Guards Revealed Underground Missile Base Near Persian Gulf


On January 8, Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) unveiled an underground missile base located on the Persian Gulf coast, in the province of Hormozgan.


IRGC Commander-in-Chief Major General Hossein Salami and the guards’ Navy Commander Rear Admiral Ali Reza Tangsiri attended the unveiling ceremony.


A video of the new base shows dozens of Iranian-made anti-ship cruise missiles, including the Nasir and the Noor, as well as several missile launchers. Some of the launchers had been disguised as civilian trucks. The base was apparently built to store anti-ship weapons for the IRGC Navy.


In a speech, Maj. Gen. Salami said Iran’s logic in “defending the territorial integrity, the independence of the country, and the achievements of the Islamic Revolution is strengthening.”


“What you see today is one of several IRGC Naval Strategic Missile facilities,” the IRGC Commander-in-Chief said.


Salami added that Iran’s long-range missiles have a pinpoint precision with a high destructive power and they are capable of resisting electronic warfare.


In the last few years, Iran boosted its military capabilities in the face of political, economic and military pressure from the US. Washington’s pressure is meant to force Tehran to give up its nuclear program, missile capabilities and regional influence.


Earlier this week, the Iranian military held a joint large-scale drone drill, which was seen as a message to the US and its allies in the Middle East, especially Israel.

Anonymous ID: b84d75 Jan. 8, 2021, 10:47 a.m. No.12402664   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2820

UK Issues Record Fine for Anti-Money Laundering Regulations Breach


U.K. authorities issued a record £23.8 million (US$31.27 million) fine to a money transfer business for breaching strict regulations aimed at preventing criminals from laundering illicit cash, the U.K. Revenue and Customs (HMRC) department announced Thursday.


Money Laundering MachineU.K. issues record fine for anti-money laundering regulations breach. (Photo: Tumisu, Pixabay)The firm, based in the British town of Luton, has breached several anti-money laundering regulations between July 2017 and December 2019, related to “risk assessments and associated record-keeping; policies, controls and procedures; and fundamental customer due diligence measures.”


MT Global defines itself as “an experienced Money Transfer company which is operating since 2003 in England, Europe and Canada… and offers its services through a leading number of banks for remittances in 81 countries of the world.”


It also claims that it allows a beneficiary to receive money from any bank of respective country, and that the company is “committed to provide responsive and quality customer services based on the highest degree of ethical standards.”


Deputy Director of Economic Crime, Fraud Investigation Service, HMRC, Nick Sharp, however, stressed that “businesses who fail to comply with the money laundering regulations leave themselves, and the U.K. economy, open to attacks by criminals.”


He added that money laundering is not a victimless crime.


“Criminals use laundered cash to fund serious organized crime, from drug importation to child sexual exploitation, human trafficking and even terrorism,” Sharp said.


The U.K. government’s non-ministerial department pointed out that in 2019 and 2020 it completed 2,000 interventions on supervised businesses, issued penalties totalling £9.1 million ($12.37 million) and stopped 89 non-compliant businesses and individuals from trading.


HMRC also said it “recouped over £166 million ($225.68 million) from the proceeds of crime, of which more than £22 million ($29.9 million) was linked to money laundering offences.”

Anonymous ID: b84d75 Jan. 8, 2021, 10:49 a.m. No.12402686   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Cryptocurrency News: Treasury's OK Of Stablecoins Opens Door For US Banks


The Department of the Treasury has given U.S. banks permission to host stablecoin infrastructure and accept transactions

Stablecoins are cryptocurrency tied to an outside variable like the dollar to reduce instability

The change could mean fast online transactions as banks use tokens tied to the dollar


The Department of the Treasury has clarified its rules, permitting U.S. banks to participate in stablecoin networks and transactions. The move makes it possible for banks to use cryptocurrency tied to the dollar to make online and cross-border transactions extremely fast without the need for federal infrastructure.


Stablecoins are cryptocurrency that resist the technology’s characteristic price volatility by tying their value to an external variable, like the dollar or commodities. They use the same blockchain technology as other cryptocurrencies, each user hosting an index to create a peer-to-peer network to verify transactions and monitor holdings.


Thanks to recent action from the Treasury, the ranks of those peers may soon include America’s largest banks. A Monday release from the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, the people in charge of implementing U.S. monetary policy, clarified that banks are permitted to participate in stablecoin networks and complete stablecoin transactions.


“The primary role of banks is to act as financial intermediaries, facilitating the flow of money and credit among different parts of the economy,” the announcement read. “The evolving financial needs of the economy have led to a demand for banks to use [independent node verification networks] to carry out their financial functions.”


That role of an intermediary is what has so many people excited. The Federal Reserve has been slow to create the infrastructure needed for a true digital dollar, letting other countries take the first steps toward online transactions.


With this clarification, everyone participating in the U.S. economy may not need to wait for the Fed. With banks fully able to trade stablecoins tied to the U.S. dollar, they may be able to independently create the infrastructure needed to bring U.S. currency into the digital era.


Experts are assuaging concerns that the entry of these massive institutions into the cryptocurrency market could mean problems for normal individuals. David Grider, a strategist for Fundstrat Global Advisors, told Bloomberg Tuesday that he didn’t expect the change to have a significant impact on cryptocurrency prices.

Anonymous ID: b84d75 Jan. 8, 2021, 10:51 a.m. No.12402711   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2912 >>3174 >>3280

Equatorial Guinea's Oil Minister Allegedly Siphoned Off Millions from Public Construction Project


For years, Juan Tomás Ávila Laurel was known as an outspoken critic of Equatorial Guinea’s government, despite decades of brutal repression and staggering corruption.


By 2011, the award-winning writer had finally had enough. With the Arab Spring toppling autocratic regimes across the Middle East and North Africa, he launched a hunger strike, hoping to trigger a wave of reform in his own country.


It didn’t work. Equatorial Guinea’s ruler, Teodoro Obiang, 78, and his family have used the profits from a decades-long boom in the country’s oil industry to secure an almost unshakeable hold on power in Africa’s longest-running dictatorship.


“Oil money has served for some or many to get rich … but personal wealth does not contribute to the development of any community,” Ávila Laurel said in a recent interview in Spain, where he fled after being “harassed” for his hunger strike.


“The most probable thing is that the oil money will run out without the Guineans ever benefiting.”


This investigation involved reporters from OCCRP, Portugal’s Expresso, and Diario Rombe, which is run by an exiled Equatoguinean journalist, and is also published by Spain’s Infolibre. The journalists reported from countries including Equatorial Guinea, South Africa, Ghana, Cyprus, Spain, Netherlands, and China.


Now, journalists have uncovered a new vein of corruption in Equatorial Guinea’s kleptocracy through an international web of firms and assets linked to Obiang’s son, the country’s Minister of Mines and Hydrocarbons, Gabriel Mbega Obiang Lima.



Equatorial Guinea’s oil minister Gabriel Mbega Obiang Lima (center) at an OPEC meeting in March 2020 with his associate NJ Ayuk (left), the CEO of Centurion Law Group.


Reporters uncovered evidence that the 48-year-old has used his powerful position to allegedly extort bribes from businessmen and siphon off millions of euros of state money from a construction project. A criminal complaint filed by someone with knowledge of Armando Cunha, a company involved in the alleged scheme, and obtained by OCCRP’s partner Expresso, claims the funds ended up in offshore companies and accounts controlled by Obiang Lima’s associates.


Multiple sources told Expresso that police raided Armando Cunha’s headquarters in Lisbon on December 17. Police did not reply to a request for comment about the raids.


Armado Cunha said via its law firm that the company conducted its operations abroad “in a regular and lawful manner,” and denied all allegations of corruption. The company did not respond to follow-up questions about the police raid.


Oil could have been a boon rather than a curse for Equatorial Guinea, which consists of a jungle-clad island in the Gulf of Guinea and a sliver of West African coast. Major foreign firms rushed to exploit deposits discovered in its territorial waters in the late 1990s, generating billions of dollars of revenue every year for the government.

Anonymous ID: b84d75 Jan. 8, 2021, 10:52 a.m. No.12402734   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2805 >>2888 >>2912 >>3174 >>3280

The Coming Purge of All Things and People Trump


Around 3500 years ago in ancient Egypt, there lived a pharaoh who didn’t believe there were multiple gods ruling the universe. Pharaoh Akhenaten believed there was only one god — Aten the sun god. As you might imagine, this didn’t sit well with a lot of people. Priests who made a living assisting in the worship of other gods lost their livelihoods and since religion was a big deal in Egypt, a lot of important people connected to other gods lost quite a bit.


Akhenaten had sort of a co-regency with his son, Pharaoh Amenhotep IV, who also believed in the one god. After their deaths, the priests and those who worshipped other gods took their revenge on both of them. They systematically erased both pharaohs from history — literally. They scratched out their names on carvings, they chiseled over their names on stone tablets, they destroyed every scroll where their names appeared, they toppled any statues that bore their likenesses.


How effective was this erasure? When a bust was found of Akhenaten in the 19th century, nobody could figure out who he was.


Not even the Soviets, who became famous for scrubbing their history books of Communist leaders who had fallen out of favor, did such a fabulous job in erasing history. This is all relevant because Trump, and those even just tangentially associated with him, are about to be erased from history by those on both sides who see a political opening to destroy their opponents.


Senator Josh Hawley has been fingered as the scapegoat in the mob attack on the Capitol. It’s not exactly clear why. It could be that he was the most visible Senator who, in a completely legal and constitutional fashion, challenged the results of the Electoral College. You may believe he was right or you may think him crazy. Whatever your opinion, what he did was perfectly legal.


Hawley’s sin was they he didn’t sit down, shut up, and accept without question the verdict of authorities. He decided to legally challenge the Electoral College results. No one knows if he really believed the cockamamie conspiracy theories about magic voting machines, altered votes, and a stolen election. It was enough that a picture of Hawley was published showing him outside the Capitol building shaking a clenched fist at the protesters in support of their demonstration — a demonstration which was peaceful until it wasn’t.


There were thousands of Trump supporters peacefully demonstrating in front of the Capitol — just like the majority of protesters last summer were peacefully demonstrating against the police. But there were those on Wednesday in Washington and across the country last summer who sought to use the peaceful protesters to disguise their intent to commit violence.

Anonymous ID: b84d75 Jan. 8, 2021, 10:54 a.m. No.12402792   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2902 >>2912 >>3174 >>3280 >>3305

Stimulus Shock: Stocks Tumble After Dem Senator Manchin Will "Absolutely Not" Support Biden $2,000 Stimulus Checks


Wall Street - which is now certain that the Democratic sweep will lead to trillions in new stimulus (Goldman yesterday revised its outlook to expect as much as $750BN in fresh stimulus as soon as next month, the first of many) - has to put the champagne on ice (if only for a few days until the backroom negotiations are completed) because as the WaPo reports, "Biden’s plans for a major new economic relief package boosting stimulus payments to $2,000 have run into possibly fatal opposition from his own party Friday as Sen. Joe Manchin III (D-W.Va.) said he would “absolutely not” support a new round of checks."


Manchin, described by WaPo as "a moderate who will hold great sway in a Senate split 50-50 between Democrats and Republicans" made his views known even as the Biden team worked to develop a coronavirus relief package that would include new stimulus checks, extended unemployment benefits, and much more. The only problem: Biden did not expect one of his own to turn against him in what appears to be the first reversal of the blue wave.


Biden has made new stimulus checks a central promise, specifically telling Georgia voters that they would be getting $2,000 payments if Democrats won Senate elections in the state this week. Little did Georgia's Democratic voters know that one of their own Senators was about to crash that plan, even though following the Georgia wins, Chuck Schumer also pledged that the $2,000 checks would be an early priority.


The problem is that with a slim margin of just one vote in their majority - one which assumes Kamala Harris will be the Senate tiebreaker - Biden and Schumer can't lose even a single Democratic vote if they attempt to move legislation under special Senate rules that allow bills to pass with a simple majority, instead of the 60 vote margin generally required.


Well, Manchin has emerged as just that vote.


As the WaPo notes, "Manchin’s opposition to new stimulus payments could kill Biden’s proposal altogether, or force him to reshape it dramatically. And it offers an early preview of the challenges Biden will face in governing over the next four years even with his party controlling both chambers of Congress."


“Absolutely not. No. Getting people vaccinated, that’s job No. 1,” Manchin said in an interview with The Washington Post when asked if he would support a new round of checks.


“How is the money that we invest now going to help us best to get jobs back and get people employed? And I can’t tell you that sending another check out is gonna do that to a person that’s already got a check,” Manchin added.


“You know, we have a difference of opinion,” Manchin said regarding Schumer’s promise to move quickly on the checks. “That’s the beauty of our whole caucus. We have a difference of opinion on that.”

Anonymous ID: b84d75 Jan. 8, 2021, 10:55 a.m. No.12402808   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2912 >>3174 >>3280

Islamic Militants Murder Two Dozen Nigerian Christians over Christmas


Militant jihadists killed at least 24 people, abducted 20 more, and torched a church in two Christmas Eve attacks in northeast Nigeria, the Barnabas Fund reported Tuesday.


Islamists believed to belong to Islamic State West Africa Province (ISWAP), an off-shoot of Boko Haram, kidnapped at least 20 Christians on Christmas Eve in Garkida, Adamawa State. The raiders chose five of their prisoners to be lined up and shot in cold blood in a terror attack the jihadists referred to as a “Christmas present” in a video of the event.


In their assault, the jihadists also torched homes, shops, cars, and bulldozers, sending the Garkida villagers fleeing. Some of those who fled are still missing.


One eyewitness said that the militants entered the town with about five vehicles and began shooting sporadically, and then proceeded to loot and ravage houses and pharmaceutical stores.


The attack was just the latest in a string of violent assaults in the country by Islamic terrorists.


Last February, the town of Garkida was targeted for a similar jihadist attack when Boko Haram militants arrived with 9 truckloads of men and more than 50 motorcycles and started shooting sporadically. Garkida is the birthplace of Ekklesiyar Yan’uwa a Nigeria (EYN–the Church of the Brethren in Nigeria), which was founded in 1923.


Also on Christmas Eve, a band of armed Boko Haram Islamists stormed the mostly Christian village of Pemi, near Chibok, in Borno State, on trucks and motorcycles. The militants opened fire on villagers, killing eleven, and set buildings ablaze, including a church.


The terrorists also stole food supplies that were meant to be distributed to residents to celebrate Christmas and looted medical supplies from a hospital before setting it ablaze.


The militants, who reportedly came from the ISWAP base in the nearby Sambisa forest, also killed at least eight soldiers stationed at outposts in the region on the same night.


State officials had warned of a heightened risk of terror attacks during the Christmas period.

Anonymous ID: b84d75 Jan. 8, 2021, 10:57 a.m. No.12402841   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2912 >>2992 >>3057 >>3174 >>3235 >>3280

Man Seen With Feet On Pelosi's Desk Arrested In Arkansas


That didn't take long…


One of the most iconic images of the chaos at the Capitol this week was of a man sitting back with his feet on Nancy Pelosi's desk…


The man, now identified as a Northern Arkansas Trump supporter by the name of Richard Bennett, has just been arrested, according to CNBC.

Anonymous ID: b84d75 Jan. 8, 2021, 11:01 a.m. No.12402935   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2961 >>3327

“Forbidden Weapons” Used Against Gaza Strip Palestinians. Israel Deliberately Targets Palestinian Civilians


The following research article will explore three forbidden weapons that were and are still being used against the Palestinian civilians of the besieged Gaza Strip. These weapons are the DIME, the Flechette Shells and the Vacuum Bomb. Furthermore, this research article will attempt to answer an important question: Why does Israel deliberately target Palestinian civilians?


The DIME Components


DIME shell stands for Dense Inert Metal Explosives, is supposedly a “low collateral damage” weapon that was developed by the US Air Force.[1] Already in 2006, the DIME weapon has been used by the Israeli army in the Gaza Strip. It has been dropped by Israeli drone aircraft.[2]


It should be pointed out that the chemical components of the DIME shell could not have become known to Palestinian physicians because Israel had destroyed Gaza’s only criminal laboratory on June 27, 2006, the first day of the siege.[3] This is indicative of the Zionist sinister future plans to use forbidden weapons against the Palestinian civilians and to keep the world in the dark including the Palestinians. However, after acquiring help from a group of Italian scientists and investigators, Palestinian physicians became aware of the chemical structure of the DIME shell whose extreme dangerous toxicity Israel was trying to conceal.


On October 19, 2006, a group of


“… Italian investigators had tissue samples from the victims in Gaza analyzed by Dr. Carmela Vaccaio at University Parma. Dr. Vaccaio reportedly found “a very high concentration of carbon and the presence of unusual materials, such as copper, aluminum and tungsten.” The doctor concluded that her “findings could be in line with the hypothesis that the weapon in question is DIME.”[4]


According to the spectrometry analyses of biopsies taken from amputation injuries of Palestinian patients from the Gaza Strip, and carried out by a group of Italian scientists affiliated with the New Weapons Research Committee (NWRC), the DIME shell included a combination of the following seventeen metals: “…aluminum, titanium, copper, strontium, barium, cobalt, mercury, vanadium, caesium, tin, arsenic, manganese, rubidium, cadmium, chromium, zinc and nickel…”[5] The combination of that many metals, including heavy metals, makes the DIME shell an extremely toxic chemical weapon and a highly dangerous one.


It should be pointed out that the “DIME weapons consist of a carbon fiber casing filled with a mixture of explosives and very dense microshrapnel, consisting of very small particles (1–2 mm) or powder of a heavy metal…”[6] When it explodes, DIME bombs blast a superheated “micro-shrapnel” of powdered heavy metal tungsten alloy.[7]


The DIME Health Hazards


The initial reports on the health hazards of the DIME bomb came out few months after Israel began to use it in the summer of 2006. Dr. Jom’a Al-Saqqa, chief of the emergency unit at Al-Shifa hospital in Gaza, observed that the DIME was “a new ‘chemical’ weapon” and Israeli siege was “a live exercise on a new ammunition that, so far, has resulted in killing 50 Palestinians and injuring 200.” He added that, “despite the damage in internal soft tissue in the bodies of injured people, the fragments were not detected by X-ray. In other words, they had disappeared or dissolved inside the body.”[8]


Dr. Al-Saqqa, a surgeon by profession, continued his observation by adding that “There were usually entry and exit wounds. When the wounds were explored no foreign material was found. There was tissue death, the extent of which was difficult to determine. … A higher deep infection rate resulted with subsequent amputation. In spite of amputation there was a higher mortality.”[9]


Moreover, Dr. Al-Saqqa, added the following observation on the death-causing health impact of the DIME weapon.


“When the shrapnel hit[s] the body, it causes very strong burns that destroy the tissues around the bones…it burns and destroys internal organs, like the liver, kidneys, and the spleen and other organs and makes saving the wounded almost impossible. As a surgeon, I have seen thousands of wounds during the Intifada, but nothing was like this weapon.”[10]



Anonymous ID: b84d75 Jan. 8, 2021, 11:03 a.m. No.12402971   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3009

“Teacher” Hua Chunying angrily criticizes Pompeo


The US Congress has just certified the “fake election results,” and the spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Chinese Communist Party, Hua Chunying has assumed a “teacher” attitude towards the United States. On January 8, Hua Chunying tweeted and criticized Pompeo, the US Secretary of State:


“Take a close look at what’s happening in the US and mind your own business. It is a tragedy & failure today you still cannot see who & what is the real big threat to your country. You will be remembered as the byword of lies and madness in history.”


On December 18, 2018, Xi Jinping,the leader of the Chinese Communist Party, stated at the “Conference Celebrating 40 Years of Reform and Opening-up”, “China, a big country with more than 5,000 years of civilization and a population of more than 1.3 billion, is promoting reform and development. There is no textbook that can be regarded as a golden rule. And there is no arrogant “teacher” who can guide the Chinese people.”


The arrogant and hypocritical CCP plays two-standard tricks from beginning to end in internal affairs and foreign affairs, as the Chinese old saying goes “Only state officials are allowed to set fires while common people are not allowed to light lamps”. The U.S. is not allowed to comment on the CCP’s evil, but CCP can openly abuse and insult U.S. senior officials.


If the “pseudo-president” Biden supported by the CCP really comes to power, CCP will not only be the “teacher” of the Americans. The CCP’s ambition is to be the “father” of the American people and all mankind!

Anonymous ID: b84d75 Jan. 8, 2021, 11:07 a.m. No.12403045   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3142 >>3174 >>3280

Rioters begin losing jobs following bloody Capitol siege: Teacher, real estate agent, attorney, and more suspended, fired




Demonstrators present at the U.S. Capitol during Wednesday's raid are receiving suspensions and losing their jobs, according to various reports.


At the time of this writing, a Pennsylvania teacher, Chicago real estate agent, Texas attorney, and more have either lost their jobs or have been suspended following the Wednesday riots.

Teacher 'temporarily relieved' of duties


In Pennsylvania, Allentown's Morning Call on Thursday reported that the Allentown School District has suspended one of its teachers, a male who remains unnamed at the time of this reporting, who reportedly took part at the U.S. Capitol on Wednesday.


In a statement, the district said, "While we all have the right to express ourselves, it is important to do so respectfully."


The statement added, "We understand that many members of our community are upset by the image. At the same time, the district has an obligation to respect the First Amendment rights of our staff and students. Because of the emotion and controversy stirred by the events of January 6, 2021, the teacher has been temporarily relieved of his teaching duties until the School District can complete a formal investigation of his involvement."


The outlet noted that the teacher in question was one of several people who were reportedly fired or who had been asked to resign from their positions as a result of allegedly attending the demonstration on Wednesday.

'Got teargassed today'


According to the Houston Chronicle, attorney Paul Davis lost his job at Goosehead Insurance after he reportedly shared videos of himself at the siege on social media.


The outlet reported that the attorney was fired after he posted video of himself wearing a MAGA hat and discussed breaching the Capitol.


"Got teargassed today," he said of the raid. "That was quite an experience."

'I was there to support my president'


Libby Andrews, a Chicago real estate agent, was also fired after reportedly sharing footage from the Capitol on her social media.


In a Twitter statement, her employer, who pointed out that Andrews admitted to taking part in the riot, wrote, that it "does not condone violence, destruction or illegal activities."


According to a Reuters report, Andrews maintained that she did nothing wrong and did not even enter the Capitol.


"I'm a 56-year-old woman, petite," she complained. "I was not there causing trouble. I was there to support my president."

Employees demonstrating 'dangerous contact' need not apply


A Maryland marketing company fired one of its employees after he was reportedly photographed wearing his company badge while taking part in the siege.


In a Thursday statement shared to its Facebook, Navistar Direct Marketing revealed the news.


"While we support all employee's right to peaceful, lawful exercise of free speech, any employee demonstrating dangerous conduct that endangers the health and safety of others will no longer have an employment opportunity with Navistar Direct Marketing," the firm wrote in a widely viewed post.

Anonymous ID: b84d75 Jan. 8, 2021, 11:11 a.m. No.12403139   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3174 >>3218 >>3280

Media Outrage Over Capitol Riot Isn’t About Defending Democracy, It’s About Wielding Power


For our political and media elites, the capitol riot on Wednesday is the perfect excuse to 'cleanse' the country of Trump supporters.


After the pro-Trump mob stormed the U.S. Capitol on Wednesday, Twitter blue-checks, politicians, and elite corporate journalists wailed and rent their garments in outrage. But they weren’t really outraged.


Yes, the breach of the capitol was appalling and disturbing. Most people didn’t see it coming and were understandably shocked when images of MAGA bros fighting capitol police began popping up on social media (although the authorities should have been better prepared, most of all D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser, who had earlier rejected offers of additional law enforcement.) There’s no question the protesters who decided to riot should be prosecuted, as all rioters everywhere should be.


But elite outrage is not really about what happened at the capitol—about the “sacred citadel of our democracy being defiled” and so on. The outrage, like almost all expressions of righteous indignation from our elites in the Trump era, is performative. It is in service of a larger purpose that has nothing to do with the peaceful transfer of power and everything to do with the wielding of power.


Specifically, it’s about punishing supporters of President Trump. If the pro-Trump mob can be depicted as “terrorists” and “traitors,” then there’s almost nothing we shouldn’t do to silence them. Right? Rick Klein, the political director at ABC News, said the quiet part out loud on Thursday when he mused (in a now-deleted tweet) that getting rid of Trump is “the easy part” and the more difficult task will be “cleansing the movement he commands.”


That’s not the kind of language you use when you’re in the business of reporting the news. It’s the kind of language you use when you’re in the business of social control.


A lot of people on the right have noted the supposed hypocrisy of media elites like Klein, but it’s not really hypocrisy because Klein and his comrades don’t really have a problem with violent mobs storming into buildings and smashing windows, so long as they agree with the mob’s agenda. That’s why corporate media was so tolerant of much larger and more dangerous mobs destroying American cities for months on end last year. When Black Lives Matter rioters stormed city halls and police stations, burned down churches, and ransacked shopping districts in major U.S. cities, killing dozens and destroying livelihoods, the media offered support for the rioters’ cause, which they invoked time and again to justify their criminal acts.


That’s why CNN’s Chris Cuomo said, “Please, show me where it says protesters are supposed to be polite and peaceful.” That’s why his colleague, Don Lemon, compared the riots to the Boston Tea Party, saying, “This is how our country started.”

Anonymous ID: b84d75 Jan. 8, 2021, 11:13 a.m. No.12403184   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3242

US Justice Department Does Not Forsee Incitement Charges Against Trump Over Capitol Riots


A top US federal prosecutor on Thursday remarked to reporters during a conference call that investigators had not ruled out the possibility of slapping US President Donald Trump with inciting violence charges after his repeated remarks at a Wednesday rally emboldened his supporters to storm the US Capitol.

Anonymous ID: b84d75 Jan. 8, 2021, 11:14 a.m. No.12403193   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3280 >>3376

House Democrats Set to Introduce New Articles of Impeachment Against Trump on Monday, Report Says


At least one of the articles of impeachment against US President Donald Trump related to the January 6 insurrection is expected to be introduced in the US House of Representatives on Monday, according to a Reuters report.