All part of the plan. Am I right, anons?
Trump was never in control. He got played. The POTUS does not have the power we were all taught. Figure-head puppet.
@Tom2BadCat with that sauce. Very Very reliable.
11 days until we see.
Hell we've been waiting for confirmation of Justice for nearly 4 years. We can wait 11 moar days. I mean it would make so much sense to wait for the actual ceremony, am i right?
precisely my point, faggot.
Congratulations on the idiot DNA you have.
Look at how he acts. Something is def up with him. Thin skinned fake.
Yeah, its a slide.
Haha, triggered by your shitty genetics.
Thats the face of your next President.
"Its aLL parT Of tHe PlaN".
Just remember that 1.5 million did jack shit. It was turned around on you like it was nothing. % of people are losing hope by the hour. They successfully BTFO everyone giving two shits about politics. Theyll never touch it again, most likely part of the grand plan w DJT.