Anonymous ID: 58665f Jan. 8, 2021, 2:38 p.m. No.12407724   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7764 >>7827 >>7856

GIANT VOICE = Constitutional FRAMEWORK and LAW


Linking together POTUS tweet, Marine Corps publication and how these relate to WARP SPEED (restoration of our Rebuplic).


POTUS tweet: To begin, POTUS is showing us a biblical pattern here: America FIRST, MAKE America great again, GIANT VOICE. First + Make = Giant Voice. That’s the pattern. Thought + Works = Spirit (manifested/replicated thought).


By now most of us have seen the Marine Corps publication with the definition of Giant Voice. It’s an external speaker system. And not just a literal system, but it is our external voice as a nation which were written into our Constitution. From a document titled, Operation Warp Speed - Double Meaning:


“As an individual, your warp is the thoughts you hear internally and make your own personal decisions to act upon, it is your internal voice. However, in a society or nation, the word WARP refers to collective thought, or published definitions of preamble and LAW. If a law is upright and fair, it should minimize chaos and provide a foundation, or measurement, which offers benefits for civil rest. The warp of society is the law which has been laid down, or set in place first, for everyone equally; it is a collection of agreed upon thoughts by representatives of the people, and it is the external voice. The warp of our Republic is the declaration of our intent and the supporting Constitutional Laws which were laid down as the foundation for our country.


✓ Thought = the WARP of an individual

✓ Laws = the WARP of society”


Back to POTUS tweet: “They will not be disrespected or treated unfairly in any way shape or form.” Who they? The 75M patriots? No. The message is not about the 75M patriots, it is addressed to the 75M. “They” he is referring to are the Constitutional Laws of our society.