Anonymous ID: 894fe8 Jan. 8, 2021, 2:32 p.m. No.12407580   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7856

BIZARRE VIDEO Shows Police Officer Directing “Lethargic” Leader of Small Mob, Dressed In All Black, To Senate Chambers…Why??


Yesterday, Rep. Mo Brooks (R-AL) implored Americans to not fall for the mainstream media’s bait and rush to judgment about the events that transpired yesterday in D.C. He also warned that Antifa would be posing as Trump supporters as part of an “orchestrated Capitol attack.”


100 Percent Fed Up – Before the mob entered the Capitol building, a large crowd of Trump supporters was captured on camera, as they booed the radical dressed all in black who can be seen breaking the windows. They demanded that he stop. “NO Antifa!” can be heard shouted by a woman in the crowd, as she shouted a warning, “Antifa’s breaking the windows!” Some of the Trump supporters in the video became physical with the radicals who refused to stop breaking the windows.


Who were these people, all dressed in black that were breaking the Capitol windows as Trump supporters demanded they stop? Does the mainstream media have any curiosity at all about what really happened that day, or is it enough that President Trump is blamed for it and that the voter fraud issues in several states have all disappeared?


In a tweet, journalist Paul Sperry reported intel he received from a former FBI agent on the ground at the Capitol who told him that a busload of Antifa thugs had been dropped off at the rally.


The video below Sperry’s tweet, shared by “Sage + Honey,” could be very useful to anyone who truly cares about what happened in the Capitol building that day.


We have broken down the incredible video that looks more like a bad B-movie into 8 segments:


In the video, a VERY GOOD videographer is coming down the stairs of the Capitol building.


#1. The camera zooms in on a police baton lying on the ground in the lobby.


#2. The camera then moves to a single police officer who is standing in a doorway. Standing in front of the police officer is a male dressed in a black t-shirt, black pants, and a black hat. His t-shirt has some sort of message or logo, but it’s unclear what it says. One thing is clear; he is not wearing any Trump gear. The male who appears to be leading a group of protesters attempting to infiltrate the Capitol building is either the most lethargic patriot to ever exist, or he’s simply a very bad actor. He’s not at all aggressive like one would expect from someone who just broke into the Capitol building determined to save America from a group of anti-American lawmakers hell-bent on stealing the election from President Trump. Nope, not this guy; he’s very relaxed and, at most, does a lot of shaking his head as the cop tells him to “stand back!”


#3. The police officer is shouting at the group from the doorway, and then suddenly, like in an awful movie, he realizes his baton is on the floor and reaches over to pick it up from the ground. Of course, by this time, it’s too late; the lethargic patriot and his posse have entered the lobby. Instead of calling for backup, the police officer decided to run up the stairs.



Anonymous ID: 894fe8 Jan. 8, 2021, 2:36 p.m. No.12407675   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7856

NY State Assembly Bill A416: COVID Concentration Camps Coming To America?


Six months ago amid the panic and the hype surrounding the coronavirus outbreak the New Zealand government made an announcement that went mostly unnoticed by the mainstream media. It was a policy decision that the whole western world should have been up in arms about, but at the time the public was still processing the pandemic chaos. New Zealand was instituting what amounted to covid prisons – Medical “quarantine facilities” where ANY citizen suspected of being a covid carrier could be detained without due process for as long as the government saw fit.


Not only that, but these covid camps would fall under the jurisdiction of the military. In other words, the NZ covid response was quietly being shifted into martial law.


The hyper-totalitarian measures were implemented in the face of a mere 22 covid deaths for the entire nation at that time. The media has been applauding the NZ response in recent weeks, arguing that heavy handed policies today will mean more freedom and a better economy tomorrow when infection numbers have been reduced. However, as I have been warning since the beginning of the pandemic, the lockdowns are designed to last forever.


We might be allowed “partial reopenings” and brief moments of relief, but covid mandates have nothing to do with public health and everything to do with public submission. The virus is nothing more than a useful crisis to be exploited as a rationale for tyranny.


Currently, New Zealand is facing further travel restrictions due to the discovery of a “covid mutation” in the UK. The government has indicated that any sign of renewed infection will be met with hard lockdowns once again. Citizens that think they have crossed the precipice and are on the verge of freedom are being conned.


In my article ‘The Totalitarian Future Globalists Want For The Entire World Is Being Revealed’, published in August, I stated:


“I believe the reason Australia and New Zealand have been targeted with this level of restrictions first is because they have been almost fully disarmed and have no means to defend themselves from government overstep. That said, I see signs that similar measures will be attempted in the US as well. In states like New York, there are low key programs to set up covid checkpoints stopping and checking vehicles coming into the state. This is where heavier restrictions start.”

Anonymous ID: 894fe8 Jan. 8, 2021, 2:38 p.m. No.12407714   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7856

Boston Marathon Bomber Sues Feds For Hat 'Discrimination', Demands $250k


Boston Marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev is suing the federal government for $250k over his treatment at a super-maximum security prison in Colorado, according to the Boston Herald.


In a handwritten letter, Tsarnaev alleges prison guards at the Federal Correctional Complex Florence - called the "Alcatraz of the Rockies" - have discriminated against him.


Tsarnaev, 26, calls the treatment "unlawful, unreasonable and discriminatory." He points out in the letter that his white baseball cap and bandana's confiscation and limitation on bathing has resulted in a rapid decline in his "mental and physical" health.


"The seizure of my hat is unlawful, unreasonable and discriminatory," he wrote. "This incident has caused me a great deal of mental stress and anxiety.

Anonymous ID: 894fe8 Jan. 8, 2021, 2:41 p.m. No.12407816   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7856 >>7873 >>8011

Emails Reveal Facebook Banned Users At Hunter Biden’s Request.


As Facebook deletes President Trump’s accounts, The National Pulse can report that Hunter Biden communicated with Facebook executives to have them remove certain profiles at the former VP’s son’s request.


The emails, originally reported by, outline an intimate relationship dating back over a decade.


Emails from October 2010 show Facebook’s Public Policy Manager Adam Conner talking directly with Hunter Biden about the removal of a profile on the social media platform.


On October 22nd, 2010, Conner emailed Hunter Biden about a “Facebook profile that you’re trying to get shut down”:


Hi Mr. Biden,


Chris Kelly forwarded me your message about a Facebook profile that you’re trying to get shut down. would you be able to provide me with a link to the fake Teddy Myers profile? Once we have that, we can look into having it removed, but we obviously do no want to remove the authentic profile.






Hunter Biden responded the following day with “Thanks Adam- I will get info to you asap.”