Anonymous ID: 04a49d Jan. 8, 2021, 3:30 p.m. No.12409015   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9083 >>9107 >>9212 >>9277 >>9425 >>9429



Take a few deep breaths and put your “logical thinking caps” on!


This will sting a bit but here me out…


Joe Biden will be sworn in as 46th President on January 20th, 2021. (deep breath!)


However, it is far from over come Inauguration Day. Remember, Q Team kept telling us to “re-read past drops” and “think logically”.

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris haven’t stolen anything… yet. Kamala Harris has yet to resign from her US Senate seat, and Nancy Pelosi is still mumbling about the 25th Amendment and Articles of Impeachment.


On Inauguration Day, the coup becomes official.


The Office of the President will have been stolen by domestic traitors and foreign enemies.


“Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.” - Napoleon


"These people are stupid." - Q Team


Then the show really starts.


In the beginning, Q Team advised us this military intelligence operation would be a bottom to top eradication. For example, the worldwide Deep State child sex trafficking infrastructure has been devastated. Simple Internet searches will tell you about the hundreds of trafficked children here in the United States and abroad that have suddenly been rescued by law enforcement. Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell (previously untouchable) have bee n neutralized. NXIVM has been destroyed… and on and on.


We all know that [they] know Q is not a LARP. Or else why would they attack Q and Q followers so harshly and constantly? Would the US Congress pass a Resolution to condemn a LARP?


Q Team laid out the specific details of SpyGate and the Deep State knew Q was legitimate.


If Bill Barr really was a Deep State operative, would Barr have appointed Durham as Special Counsel before the election and not tell a soul until after the election?


It was publicly announced that Special Counsel Durham was expanding his staff and running “full steam ahead”, remember? There are still over 200,000 sealed indictments in PACER.


Joe Biden, Kamala Harris and the rest of the upper echelon of the Deep State (Hussein, HRC, Pence, VJ, JK, etc. will all be destroyed after their coup is complete… after January 20th, 2021.


When Q Team told us Hussein will claim Kenyan citizenship as a means to escape, Q team wasn’t LARPing. Rex Tillerson was fired for trying to negotiate Hussein's Kenyan citizenship back in 2017!


Trump won’t be at Biden’s inauguration because Biden’s “presidency” will be the shortest presidency in US history.


Once it’s established that Trump was the rightful winner of the 2020 presidential election, Trump will be sworn in for his second term in March 2021.


Hence, Q drops 911, 951, 2923, 2942, and 3019 >>“March Madness”