Anonymous ID: 5a2a0b Jan. 8, 2021, 3:25 p.m. No.12408858   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>9184 >>9297 >>9427

Apple and Google Threaten to Ban Parler Unless The Service Enacts Draconian Censorship Policies Demanded by Big Tech Oligarchs


Apple is currently threatening Parler, the free speech alternative to Twitter unless they enact Draconian policies demanded by the Big Tech oligarchs.


Because of Big Tech censorship, Parler is now the fastest growing social media company.


Thursday morning Parler CEO John Matze made a bold statement on his rapidly growing social media platform and condemned censorship of Facebook and Twitter.


24 hours later, Apple threatened to ban Parler unless they censor and deplatform those who do not fall in line with the Communists.


According to Sean Hannity, President Trump has just joined Parler.

Anonymous ID: 5a2a0b Jan. 8, 2021, 3:30 p.m. No.12409017   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>9080 >>9184 >>9243 >>9297 >>9427

Republicans Meet With Senate Parliamentarian to Discuss Impeachment Timeline


Timeline will put Schumer in the spotlight, forcing him to choose whether to eat up time on legislative calendar


A group of Senate Republicans including Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (Ky.) met Friday morning with the Senate parliamentarian in a ransacked office to discuss a timeline for impeachment proceedings, according to two sources with direct knowledge of the situation.


Should House Speaker Nancy Pelosi bring articles of impeachment against Trump next week, which she has pledged to do if he doesn't resign, the parliamentarian's conclusion was that the earliest the Senate could begin a trial—absent unanimous consent—is either Jan. 19 or Jan. 20, the day of President-elect Joe Biden's inauguration. A memo on the subject laying out some ambiguities is expected in the coming hours, one of these sources said. Among them: whether the Senate can receive articles of impeachment from the House during a pro forma session.


After the House delivers articles of impeachment to the Senate, it is obligated to begin a trial the following business day. The Senate is out of session until Jan. 19. The timeline shifts the spotlight to Sen. Chuck Schumer (D., N.Y.), the incoming majority leader, who would then have to decide whether to devote the first days and weeks of Biden's presidency to a trial rather than to confirming cabinet nominees and pursuing a legislative agenda.


Because the Senate is obligated to hold a trial and call witnesses before voting whether to convict, Trump cannot be convicted and removed from office before Biden's swearing in on Jan. 20. If the Senate impeaches a president after he leaves office, the penalty would be not removal but a ban on holding federal office again. For Republicans, the timeline raises questions about the value they place on imposing that penalty.


Republicans and Democrats alike have grappled with how to respond to the president's incitement of a mob on Wednesday that stormed the Capitol and led to four fatalities. Democrats are pressing the Trump cabinet to invoke the 25th Amendment, though Vice President Mike Pence opposes the move, according to those familiar with his thinking. That course of action would present its own complications: Trump can contest his cabinet, which would move the matter to Congress.


Though Trump announced in a video message on Thursday acknowledging Biden as the next president and pledging a peaceful transition of power, lawmakers in both parties fear his ability to spark another violent event in his waning days. The president also indicated he would not attend Biden's inauguration later this month.


For the GOP, the silver lining of the mess, some argue, is that a Senate conviction would likely bar Trump from holding federal office again, though there is some debate about the constitutional text. As he dangles a 2024 run, a conviction would cut him off at the knees and potentially resolve a headache for the GOP that is otherwise likely to linger.


Keith Whittington, a professor of politics at Princeton University, pointed the Washington Free Beacon to his 2019 analysis of the constitutional text: "Besides removal, the only other available punishment that the Senate can impose is to bar those convicted on impeachment charges from future federal office," Whittington wrote, noting that there is some debate about whether elected offices such as the presidency are offices "of honor, trust, or profit under the United States."


"If Trump was inclined to run again, there would undoubtedly be litigation over the question of whether he was eligible to be listed on the ballot in those circumstances," Whittington said.


A trio of Democratic lawmakers has announced its intention to introduce articles of impeachment as early as Monday, but it would fall to Pelosi to decide whether and how to proceed.

Anonymous ID: 5a2a0b Jan. 8, 2021, 3:32 p.m. No.12409117   🗄️.is đź”—kun

Florida Man Friday: Crazy Guy Who Stole Pelosi's Podium Identified As You-Know-You


I had this idea — more of a fantasy, really — a couple of weeks ago that I’d squeeze a Florida Man Friday column in between Bloody Marys and conversations and presents on Christmas Eve Day.


Clearly, that didn’t happen.


But then I figured that since my wife and I had to cancel our annual New Year’s gala, that I’d be primed to do Florida Man Friday on New Year’s Day.


That fantasy ran head-first into the hangover I had on New Year’s Day despite the canceled gala.




In the week that followed, none of us has ever needed some breezy news more than we do right now.


So please join me for this week’s never-more-imperative…

Florida Man Friday!


Let us begin as we always do with…

The Most Florida Man Story Ever (This Week)


Rioter Who Stole Pelosi’s Podium Identified as Florida Dad via @thedailybeast


— lindaha96123336 (@lindaha96123336) January 8, 2021


It should not surprise you that it was Florida Man who stole Nancy Pelosi’s podium during Wednesday’s riot.


But this part might surprise you:


Man photographed carrying speaker’s lectern in Capitol insurrection, identified as Adam Christian Johnson, 36, of Parrish, Fla., never voted for Trump: Voter registration records show he is non-party affiliated, hasn’t voted in any election since he first registered in Sept 2002.


Is it true that only Florida Man would crash a party he’s not even a member of, probably in the hope of doing something crazy like stealing a famous podium in front of national-level news photographers?


I wouldn’t be presumptive enough to say that only Florida Man would do such a thing, but you know he’s always at or near the top of the probability chart.

Ringing in the New Year with a Splash




Just having a few drinks on the houseboat to celebrate the new year…


— Rex Chapman🏇🏼 (@RexChapman) January 3, 2021


The best bit? The spectator calling the man who didn’t just fall off a boat — on the second try, after failing to hit the water the first time — an “idiot.”

I Know How She Feels

Anonymous ID: 5a2a0b Jan. 8, 2021, 3:34 p.m. No.12409188   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>9297 >>9427

Biden says Trump's 'not fit to serve' as president but punts on calls for impeachment


Says it's 'a good thing' Trump won't be at inauguration, but he'd be 'honored to have' Pence there


President-elect Biden on Friday charged that President Trump "isn’t fit to hold the job."


But the president-elect refused to say whether he supported the push by congressional Democrats and handful of Republicans to immediately remove Trump from office, either by impeachment or through the use of the 25th Amendment to the Constitution.


Biden, taking questions from reporters after introducing his final Cabinet nominations, said that "it’s a good thing" that the president won’t show up at the Jan. 20 inauguration. But the president-elect highlighted that he’d be "honored to have" Vice President Mike Pence attend the inauguration ceremony.


Despite not opposing efforts to remove Trump, the president-elect emphasized that his "overarching objective is to unify this country."


Biden’s reiteration of earlier calls for unity came two days after Trump supporters, protesting the formal move by a joint session of Congress to certify Biden’s 306-232 Electoral College victory over the president, stormed the Capitol. Five people – including a Capitol Hill police officer – died during the rioting. The attack forced the building into lockdown, and the House and Senate were suspended for six hours until the building was cleared of intruders.


The president – at a rally near the White House that he headlined earlier on Wednesday – had encouraged supporters to march to the Capitol and show strength in opposing the certification of an election that he had repeatedly charged that he had won in a landslide and that had been stolen.


Scores of congressional Democrats, including House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Democratic leader Chuck Schumer, as well as some Republicans, have called for removing Trump from office either by impeachment or by the vice president and cabinet officers invoking the 25th Amendment.


"I’m focused on the virus, the vaccine, and economic growth. What the Congress decides to do is for them to decide," Biden answered when asked if he supported such moves.


"We’re going to do our job and the Congress can decide how to proceed with theirs," he added. "That’s a decision for the Congress to make. I’m focused on my job."


Biden added that he would be speaking with Pelosi and House Democratic leadership later on Friday.


But the president-elect stressed, "I’ve been saying for now for well over a year that he’s not fit to serve." He called Trump "one of the most incompetent presidents in the history of the United States of America."


He emphasized that "it’s important to get on with the business of getting him out of office." But Biden said "the quickest way that that will happen is us being sworn in on the 20th. What action happens before or after that is a judgment for the Congress to make."


Biden added: "If we were six months out, we should be doing everything to get him out of office, impeaching him again. Trying to invoke the 25th Amendment. Whatever it took to get him out of office. But I am focused now on us taking control as president and vice president on the 20th and getting our agenda moving as quickly as we can."

Anonymous ID: 5a2a0b Jan. 8, 2021, 3:37 p.m. No.12409273   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>9296 >>9297 >>9351 >>9427

Twitter Says Suspends Trump's Account Permanently Over Fears of 'Further Incitement of Violence'


After briefly blocking his use of their social media app earlier this week, Twitter permanently banned US President Donald Trump from the platform on Friday over fears he could use it to incite followers to further acts of violence.

Anonymous ID: 5a2a0b Jan. 8, 2021, 3:38 p.m. No.12409308   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>9427

Democrat Sen. Patty Murray Calls for Resignation of GOP Sens. Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley


Washington Democrat Sen. Patty Murray has called for the resignation of Republican Sens. Ted Cruz (TX) and Josh Hawley (MO), claiming they have “broken their oath of office.”


Murray’s remarks were shared to social media, where she insisted she has “come to the Capitol every day to fight for what I believe in.”


“I come to the Capitol every day to fight for what I believe in,” Murray said in one tweet. “I often have issues I feel very strongly about—whether it’s a woman’s right to choose, or immigration, or health care, or the issue of the day.”


“This is not how we keep our people and our country free,” Murray said in another tweet. “As a Senator, I respect every member who disagrees with my ideas. I reserve my right to use my voice to fight for what I believe in.”


At the end of the day, our job is to keep this country a democracy where voices win, not brute force. Any Senator who stands up and supports the power of force over the power of democracy has broken their oath of office. Senators Hawley and Cruz should resign.


— Senator Patty Murray (@PattyMurray) January 8, 2021


In her resignation call, Murray targeted any “Senator who stands up and supports the power of force over the power of democracy.”


“At the end of the day, our job is to keep this country a democracy where voices win, not brute force,” Murray concluded. “Any Senator who stands up and supports the power of force over the power of democracy has broken their oath of office. Senators Hawley and Cruz should resign.”


On Thursday, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez similarly called for the resignation of Cruz of and Hawley, accusing them of playing a key role in instigating the Capitol riots with their mission to object to the electoral votes in disputed states.