Anonymous ID: 282eff April 29, 2018, 6:09 p.m. No.1241170   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1346

Someone sent me this in response to some digging I was during back during Pizzagate and probably before it turned into Pedogate and they just hit me up about it out of the blue.


They're trying to find money trails and conspiracies regarding WWASP and wondered if i had anymore leads or info. I said I'd sling it past y'all.


In the newspaper, they saw a story of a airline lady getting drugged & raped by a pilot from SkyWest airlines.


Skywest and WWASP both have a connection of Ralph Atkin who does legal support for wwasp. Also robert lichfield is a big player and he connects these schools to Romney in the 2012 election, as money from the schools pretty much funded his campaign through Robert lichfield…


Robert lichfield had to back off his money support because Romney didnt want class action lawsuits tied to his name…


>Got anything for the anon, Patriot?