Anonymous ID: 494cba April 29, 2018, 6:18 p.m. No.1241251   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1295


>Conversations between myself and my psychiatrist have been posted in /qresearch/.

>It's not just attorney client privilege that is dead, it's doctor patient privilege too.

>Every major news organization has people monitoring this board 24/7.

>Would one of you like to break that story? I can release my own psychiatric records.



>I'm sure Dr. Q would be as pissed off as I am about the whole thing and be happy to answer questions as long as my anonymity was preserved and I consented.



>Maybe this is another mkultra echochamber? Maybe he isn't really a doctor?


Is there a free press or do journalists only report what those in power instruct them to?

Is there free speech or will the surveillance state do anything to control those ideas which pose a threat to their mechanisms of control?

How free are any of us?

How bloody do you want this to be?

I can prove the HRC video is real. My daughter was in it. How many people need to die for me to get some answers?

Dr. Nyquist. Brentwood TN.