Anonymous ID: 6a64c3 Jan. 8, 2021, 4:28 p.m. No.12410708   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0853 >>0948 >>0960 >>1026 >>1096

Big Tech Launches Massive Coordinated Cyber Attack on 74,000 Trump Voters — GOP SILENT


Big tech has launched an unprecedented and coordinated cyber attack on President Donald Trump and his 74,000 voters.


As this was happening — the GOP was dead silent.


On Friday, Twitter permanently banned hundreds, if not thousands, of Trump supporters and prominent allies — before banning the president himself. Nearly every account that helped to promote the Stop the Steal rallies or challenge the election results were banned, including Ali Alexander, Michael Coudrey, Gen. Mike Flynn, Sidney Powell, and Lin Wood. Countless smaller accounts that supported the president were also getting suspended in a seemingly constant rate.


The same has been happening over on Facebook and Instagram.


At the same time, Parler was warned by both the Apple and Google stores that if they did not impose moderation on their free speech platform within 24 hours they would be banned entirely.


“We have received numerous complaints regarding objectionable content in your Parler service, accusations that the Parler app was used to plan, coordinate, and facilitate the illegal activities” at the US Capitol on 6 January, Apple wrote in an email to Parler executives. “The app also appears to continue to be used to plan and facilitate yet further illegal and dangerous activities.”


These same companies showed absolutely no concern when Black Lives Matter domestic terrorists were plotting their next attacks on their platforms, often with the endorsement of Democrat politicians.


Parler Chief Executive John Matze responded to the threat by posting; “Apparently they believe Parler is responsible for ALL user generated content on Parler. By the same logic, Apple must be responsible for ALL actions taken by their phones. Every car bomb, every illegal cell phone conversation, every illegal crime committed on an iPhone, Apple must also be responsible for.”


By 7 p.m. EST, it was reported that President Trump had officially joined Parler. It is currently unclear if big tech pulled the trigger early, if the site crashed from the rush of new users hoping to hear from the president, or if it was something more sinister.


If the Parler app does get banned, you will still be able to access it from your computer.


Buckle up. They want you silenced.

Anonymous ID: 6a64c3 Jan. 8, 2021, 4:29 p.m. No.12410729   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0853 >>0948

Pelosi 'Hopes' Trump Will "Immediately Resign" After White House Slams Democrats' "Politically Motivated" Impeachment


Update (1800ET): Speaker Pelosi has decided she wants the last word before the evening news shows begin and has released the following statement reiterating - once again - the exact same threats/promises she delivered earlier:


Pelosi Statement Following Virtual Meeting of the House Democratic Caucus Washington, D.C. Speaker Nancy Pelosi issued this statement following a virtual meeting of the House the House Democratic Caucus this afternoon:


"Today, the House Democratic Caucus had an hours-long conversation that was sad, moving and patriotic. It was a conversation unlike any other, because it followed an action unlike any other.


It is the hope of Members that the President will immediately resign. But if he does not, I have instructed the Rules Committee to be prepared to move forward with Congressman Jamie Raskin's 25th Amendment legislation and a motion for impeachment.


Accordingly, the House will preserve every option including the 25th Amendment, a motion to impeach or a privileged resolution for impeachment.


With great respect, our deliberations will continue."


…and so we wait.


    • *


Update (1635ET): A few minutes after the Democrats' articles of impeachment were leaked (well timed ahead of the evening news cycle) and after President-Elect Biden would not be drawn on whether this decision was a good idea with only days in President Trump's term to go, The White House has issued a brief statement claiming that the impeachment article that may be brought against President Trump is “politically motivated”


"As President Trump said yesterday, this is a time for healing and unity as one Nation.


A politically motivated impeachment against a President with 12 days remaining in his term will only serve to further divide our great country."


    • *


Update (1615ET): NBC News reports that they have received a draft of the articles of impeachment that Democrats are planning to bring on Monday. The articles reportedly claim that Trump "engaged in high crimes and misdemeanors by inciting insurrection."


"President Trump gravely endangered the security of the United States and its institutions of government," the draft said.


"He threatened the integrity of the democratic system, interfered with the peaceful transition of power, and imperiled a coordinated branch of government. He thereby betrayed his trust as President, to the manifest injury of the people of the United States."


"Wherefore President Trump, by such conduct, has demonstrated that he will remain a threat to national security, democracy, and the Constitution if allowed to remain in office, and has acted in a manner grossly incompatible with self-governance and the rule of law," the draft continued.


"President Trump thus warrants impeachment and trial, removal from office, and disqualification to hold and enjoy any office of honor, trust, or profit under the United States."


Presumably, this is very different from what Maxine Waters demanded of her supporters:


.@RepMaxineWaters told activists that “God is in our side” and urged her followers be increasingly confrontational members of the Trump Administration

— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) January 8, 2021

Anonymous ID: 6a64c3 Jan. 8, 2021, 4:30 p.m. No.12410772   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0853 >>0948

"Chilling Video" - Miami Ambush Caught On Camera As Multiple Shooters Wound Six


The COVID-19 pandemic and the resulting downturn in the economy has unleashed a socio-economic bomb across many metro areas. Small and medium-sized companies have shuttered operations, the labor market continues to deteriorate, and violent crime is surging.


All of this has led to a mass exodus of city dwellers from metro areas, escaping inner cities for quiet suburbs, or better yet, rural communities.


As a reminder of why people are fleeing metro areas in droves, CBS Miami released a security video of an intense shootout near Northwest 25th Avenue and 36th Street.


Miami Police said six people were injured in the incident when multiple shooters ambushed them.


The full video shows three people exiting a gray Dodge Charger approach the Honda, and then begin to unleash a hail of bullets.


“It’s a very chilling video,” Miami Police Officer Kenia Fallat.


“When the barrage of bullets took place, they just started running for their lives,” said Fallat.


Police tell CBS Miami they have no suspects nor a motive behind the shooting.


One of the shooters appears to fire a semi-automatic or even an automatic rifle judging by the large muzzle flashes - this type of urban warfare is generally found on the streets of a third world country - not the United States.

Anonymous ID: 6a64c3 Jan. 8, 2021, 4:32 p.m. No.12410838   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0948

=D.C. Attorney General: Trump, Don Jr., Giuliani May Be Investigated Over Capitol Riot


Racine appeared on “Good Morning America” on Friday morning to discuss ongoing law enforcement efforts to identify those rioters that stormed the Capitol earlier in the week. Racine mentioned that along with the rioters, others would be investigated for inciting the lawlessness.“I think the question is, how far up does it go? Clearly the Capitol was ground central in all of this mob’s behavior,” Racine said. “Donald Trump Jr., Rudy Giuliani, even the President of the United States, were calling on their supporters and hate groups to go to the Capitol and, in Rudy Giuliani’s words, ‘exercise combat justice.’”


“We’re going to investigate not only those mobsters, but also those who incited the violence,” he added.


Racine’s comments come after the Department of Justice did not rule out charging the president with a crime related to the riot.


“We are looking at all actors here,” Michael Sherwin, the U.S. attorney in Washington, said on Thursday. “Was there a command and control? Were there others that maybe assisted or facilitated or obviously played some ancillary role in this? Anyone that had a role, and the evidence fits the elements of a crime, they’re going to be charged.”


Rioters stormed through the Capitol on Wednesday to disrupt the certification of electors that would make official President-elect Joe Biden’s 2020 election victory. Trump spoke at a protest march earlier in the day, continuing to assert that the election had been stolen through widespread voter fraud, and he urged his supporters to walk to the Capitol and “fight” the certification.


After the riot began, Trump and his son Donald Jr. made repeated calls for peace and for the president’s supporters to respect law enforcement struggling to contain the chaos. The president also continued to maintain that the election was stolen and suggested that Biden would be an illegitimate president of the United States.


On Thursday, Trump released a video message acknowledging that Biden would be inaugurated President of the United States on Jan. 20 and promising a “smooth, orderly, and seamless transition of power.” Trump also slammed the rioters that broke into the Capitol and said that law enforcement would hold them accountable.