Anonymous ID: 100c84 Jan. 8, 2021, 8:23 p.m. No.12417188   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7213

Modern Jews are Descended From Khazarian Jews


The Kingdom of Khazaria was reviled by its neighbor Russia for its lawlessness.

Khazarians were known for their Criminal activity: highway robbery, murder and kidnapping young white Russian girls and selling them as sex slaves.

Often, when the Khazarians robbed a stage coach and murdered its' occupants, the Khazarian would ride on in the carriage to its' destination, assume the identity of the murdered victim, and take over the victim's business and property.


The Tsar of Russia offered the Khazarians a choice to choose a religion thinking a moral code might stop the Khazarians' criminal behaviors.


The King of KHAZAR chose JUDAISM for all his people. However, the Khazarians continued with their lawlessness. and so….


In the 8th Century, 1,200 Years Ago, the Tsar of Russia kicked the Khazarian Jews out of Khazar.

Khazar's geographical location was in today's Belarus, on the NW border of Russia.


Over the last 1,200 years, the migration routes of the Khazarian Jews is well documented. As well as the Jews' Expulsion from at least 132 countries from Samaria 733 BC to the U.A.E. 1948.(There may be more countries that expelled the Jews because there is a 2,000 year history and many countries have come and gone.)


Khazarian Jews are the ORIGIN of Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews In The World Today


*From Khazar, the Khazarian Jews that migrated West and North to Ukraine, Hungary, Poland, Holland, Germany, England, France are known as Ashkenazi Jews.


*The Khazarian Jews who migrated South to Spain, Morroco, the Mediterranean are known as Sephardic Jews.

*Crypto-Jews in Spain are known as Marrano Jews.


* 80% of All Jews are Ashkenazi Jews.




The False Claim that "Khazarians are not Jews" is a Lie.


The False Claim that ONLY the "good" Jews can be called Jews is bullshit.


P.S. This is the reason that Jews hate Russia Russia Russia and have been taking revenge on Russia ever since the Tsar kicked them out of Khazar 1,200 Years Ago

Anonymous ID: 100c84 Jan. 8, 2021, 8:24 p.m. No.12417208   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7238 >>7890

Khazarian Jewish Mafia Has 1 Million Members in the US

Ben Fulford


>We would like to inform U.S. patriots that Japanese military intelligence estimates the Khazarian Mafia has about 1 Million members in the U.S.


Their leadership is concentrated at the top management levels of the Fortune 500 companies.


Many of their henchmen meet at Synagogues of Satan disguised as Jewish places of worship. Concentrate on the people who are on the boards of multiple multi-national corporations in order to decapitate their leadership and cut off their money.


The move to cut off the Khazarian Mafia’s funding worldwide is proceeding smoothly. As we previously reported, they have already lost control of the SWIFT international inter-bank payments system.


They are also now being deprived of their ability to launder money through Stock Markets. This is being reported in the news as “glitches” that are shutting down stock markets in Europe, the far East, and now Australia.


There is also a fight by Russian, Turkish, and other forces to prevent the Khazarian Mafia from stealing oil revenue in the Middle East.


Anonymous ID: 100c84 Jan. 8, 2021, 8:26 p.m. No.12417244   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7341

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said:

"America is a golden calf and we will suck it dry."



The Decline of America


Over the last 50 years, the Jewish Bankers and Corporations have shifted the world power country from the United States to China, after they sucked America dry.


*They transferred American manufacturing over to China. (56,000 US factories closed)

  • For comparison, there are currently 57,625 Bars and Nightclubs in the US, as of 2020. Imagine if 98% of these American Bars closed and their businesses went to China.


This transference of the manufacturing base gutted the American middle class, while creating a huge Chinese middle class. It also created a fast growing class of Chinese millionaires and billionaires.


*White Collar higher-paying jobs were gutted by importing hundreds of thousands of Foreign workers under various Visa programs such as H1B and others. There is now a push by Dems to give these foreign workers citizenship.


An analysis on Zero Hedge a few years ago showed that the top 200+ Corporations, 86% of the CEO, Chairman, COO were Jews. These are the people who transferred their manufacturing over to China.


Remember Q drop: MOS controlled US Politicians. These Mossad controlled US Politicians enacted the policies enabling the huge trade deficit with China, over the past 40 years.

MOS controlled US Politicians gave China "Preferred Trading Partner" status = 0 Tariff to import Chinese made junk, while big Tariffs on American businesses to export to China.





Anonymous ID: 100c84 Jan. 8, 2021, 8:29 p.m. No.12417305   🗄️.is 🔗kun



MOSSAD Controlled Jewish Mass Media = MOSSAD Is The Enemy of We, The People.

Anonymous ID: 100c84 Jan. 8, 2021, 8:30 p.m. No.12417339   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Q Drop #2089:

AJ [MOS backed] ….and associates.

*Alex Jones [MOSSAD backed]…and known associates.

backed means funding. C_A means CIA.


Q Drop #1751:

Every C_A/ MOS tactic of Infiltration and Internal disruption is being deployed on this board.


Q Drop# 1781:

MOS / \ (controls) (Alt+) US Media and US Politicians


Q Drop# 3655:

Deconstruction of foreign controlled [intel] US Media [+alt] critical.

Untouchable, re: State backed?


Q Drop# _ :==

We are saving Israel for last. Very specific reason not mentioned even one time.

Anonymous ID: 100c84 Jan. 8, 2021, 8:33 p.m. No.12417387   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Holocaust Museum Head Explains How

The Complete Lack of Physical Evidence Of The HolocaustIs Proof It Happened


Dec. 2020

"There is no physical evidence for the Holocaust", according to Dr Ephraim Kaye of the Yad Vashem Holocaust Museum in Israel:

"Essentially, Holocaust denial is part and parcel of the history of the Holocaust itself."

The most glaring, blatant example is the largest death camp - Auschwitz-Birkenau - this is a death camp - that began its killing operations in March 1942 until November 1944 when the facility was closed down because the Russians were getting too close.


"During that 2 1/2 years, it’s anywhere between 1.2 and 1.4 million people were murdered -90% were Jews - and the chilling fact is when you come back and you visit that facility today - 18, 19 times with different groups - IDF officers - educators - which geographically is a tremendous area - it had 60,000 permanent prisoners at any given time - and you walk around and you look for the physical evidence of the destruction of 1.2 to 1.4 million people - what’s distressing, and depressing is that you really don’t find it."


"You don’t find the mountains of clothing of victims that arrived there. You don’t find mountains of ashes and bones - it was taken in trucks and dumped in the Vistula (River) or the swamp around Auschwitz."

"You don’t see the actual buildings of the crematoria or gas chambers""- they were blown up by the Germans before they retreat in 1945. - the actual destruction process."


"Treblinka - one of the small death camps - where between the 22nd of July, 1942 and the 2nd of August 1943 - it’s estimated that 900,000 Jews were murdered in those 13 months at Treblinka."unbelievable"- "there is nothing there''.


"But when you look for physical evidence, there’s nothing there"- because before that camp was closed down - by the way because of a Jewish prisoner revolt on the 2nd of August, 1943 - but in the Spring of 1943, there were no crematoria at Treblinka -there were gas chambers - bodies were buried in tremendous deep graves that were dug by steam shovels - at Treblinka. Himmler gave an order to dig everything up - destroy everything - and disperse it in the entire area - which was done - and Jewish prisoners had to do this work. A person visits today Treblinka and sees nothing."

"A person visits Belzec or Chelmno, or Sobibor - hundreds and hundreds of thousands of Jews were murdered in those death camps, and you can’t see anything."


"Where shooting operations took place - not gassing operations - Babi Yar where we know there were 30,000 Jews were murdered there in the end of September,1941 - all together close to 60.000 Jews in ’41 and ’42 - and you dig it up, you should find some physical evidence - bodies, bones, something - that doesn’t disappear - it’s not there because it was all dug up by a special, top secret operation commanded by SS Paul Blobel, called 1005 - personally created by Himmler in the Spring of 1942."

The Germans at their height of military superiority in 1942, and they decide to go back and to clean up the mess they made. They went back to Babi Yar, the Rumbula Forest near Riga, the seventh and ninth fort near Kovna, the Ponary near Vilna where tens of thousands of Jews had been murdered in ’41 and ’42. They dug it up - cleaned it out - disappeared.'''


*^Source of Quotes: Video of Ephraim Kaye:


*At the alleged height of the killing operation in 1943-the Jewish press published a cover story explaining why there would be no physical evidence of any mass murders of Jews at the end of the war.


The Jews had already committed to the “Holocaust” narrative so as to justify the establishment of Israel, but because they made it all up-with the help of Academy Award-winning screenwriter, Ben Hecht- there wasn’t going to be any physical evidence.


Credibility Problem- Both Auschwitz and Treblinka were built in swampy areas where the water table was very high. If you attempted to dig a mass grave, as Ephraim Kaye contends, it would immediately fill with water. And if the Germans merely threw millions of tons of clothing into the Vistula River, that evidence could easily be dredged up today.


No evidence of mass murder at Treblinka: it was a Transit Camp, not a “death camp” with “gas chambers”. According to these ridiculous Jewish “eye witnesses,” the Germans used a diesel-powered submarine engine from a Soviet submarine to gas the Jews at Treblinka. (diesel not poisonous enough to kill).



Anonymous ID: 100c84 Jan. 8, 2021, 8:59 p.m. No.12417876   🗄️.is 🔗kun

When the Arrests Start, Q Teams should Take Down the Jewish Mass Media FIRST


because if Hussein is the first arrest, the Jewish MSM won't publish it.