I'm re-posting this with better English.
I feel it's important
a previous bread:
^^^About prisoners detained in secret prisons and using their allegedly free confessions to bolster the cabal's lies about 9/11.
The alleged 9/11 "mastermind" Khalid could not have possibly done all the things he "confessed" to. Why was he brought into open court with a stun gun attached to his waist? Were they afraid he would scream out the real truth?
According to the documents connected in the above link, the lack of obedience to the law caused those in direct contact with the "detainees," ( in secret prisons, who never found out of what they were accused), to feel anything goes per treatment of said prisoners. The prison keepers treated them in ways which were not approved by normal standards [Abu Gharib] The soldiers didn't not obey the normal standards in their treatment of prisoners and this was all approved by the chain of command. Rumsfeld visited Abu Gharib and did not put an end to the crimes there.
Congress never released the full set of photos of what really went on- too upsetting for the public.
Fake passports alleged to belong to the 9/11 pilot-suicides did not ID the alleged suicide bombers. The names did not match. Mostly because the FBI did not have any real names.
The FBI finally admitted that the passports used had been stolen. The people they were stolen from were still alive. A few gave interviews in Egypt and places in the Middle East. They objected to the fraudulent use of their names.
All this has been known for years. Though, fake-debunked, by the equivalent of "Snopes" of the day.
The Propagandists waited for the freshness of the data to fade and then claimed the story was debunked.
However, the FBI was forced to finally admit that the "hijackers" used stolen Passports.
So how did they have any names? Who were in those prisons? Who were being rendered to places in the Middle East to be tortured? Were they all really captives who were then trained to be "terrorists" as the rumors say?
The passport allegedly found on the ground near the Trade Tower Complex post - attack?
Even "normies" felt that was suspicious, though for what reason, they don't directly or consciously perceive. They haven't put it together yet.
The FBI really glows.