Anonymous ID: 5fe514 Jan. 8, 2021, 9:34 p.m. No.12418440   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8475 >>8517 >>8548 >>8574 >>8620 >>8649 >>8677


>why is swamp making crazy moves now?


First, getting the Ratcliffe EO 13848 Report immediately after they KNOWINGLY certified a fraudulent election meant that they would all be guilty of treason and sedition, Nanshay had her laptop taken which I'm STILL kekking about, they realized afterwards that White Hats has completely infiltrated the antida/blm ring leaders of the Capitol break-in, Pence keep Nanshay waiting for 25 minutes on the phone only to bail on her completely, Pence rejected the 25A option out of hand and it would be impossible to impeach and remove POTUS before the 20th, the entire "Italian Connection" election hacking "cut-out" planned by Hussein/Bennan/Renzi is now breaking news around the World, and last but not least, POTUS has been treated like the CinC that he his being shuttle around the Country in a Boeing E4-b command and control aircraft and has been meeting and working with the entire Top of the Military chain of command at the most secret and secure airfields with the "nuclear football" at his side 24/7 while Nanshay is STILL trying to get thru to anyone at the Pentagon who will take her call and actual take her demands that POTUS be kept away from exactly where he's been for the last 24 hours. All of this means that POTUS has the entire U.S. Military squarely behind him and are all ready to move and arrest all the traitors in the Country. [They] all KNOW that each of the lives is about to be upended in the worst possible way and that there's not a damn thing they can do about it except to control their own fates by scarf and door knob.


These are just a FEW of the reason why they are panic like rats in a burning sinking ship right now. I'm sure there are many more.

Anonymous ID: 5fe514 Jan. 8, 2021, 9:46 p.m. No.12418621   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Likely exfiltrating the whistleblowers and their families. This was the number one concern of Maria Zack during her embargoed press conference. Keeping these people from retaliation.