>>12418681 lb
>Did you drop this pic?
no, i generally preferred my tay pics to be originals without shoops. the only exception that i made was tay wearing a maga hat.
>>12418681 lb
>Did you drop this pic?
no, i generally preferred my tay pics to be originals without shoops. the only exception that i made was tay wearing a maga hat.
checked. that choker tho >>12418761
anonymous is anonymous. only the text inside this box matters. it stands or falls on its own merits. anon should never assume that what anon says is true. anon should always verify for himself. my name is irrelevant. my title is irrelevant. my words are the only thing that matters. this is the nature of anonymous.
the light bulb just went off. holy shit this is fucking yuge
baker, notable. i hadn't seen this one yet
>I posted that shit breads ago.
tbf, breads fly by a lot faster than they used to. it gets pretty hard to keep up and sometimes, it's easier to just jump right in and hope someone will take the time to spoonfeed you.
>They moved Pence and Pelosi on the day of the Capitol Breach.
she never got the chance to secure her laptop. fucking kek