Anons, it's so easy to forget what's going on here, isn't it?
We don't know each other but we strangers who have worked and researched and toiled and dug and mapped and spread the greatest coordinated repository of true information ever assembled solely for the sake of painting the picture of "what goes on behind closed doors" worldwide for the past 400 years or so.
All for free.
Not even counting the shills and spammers every. single. bread. or the hundreds/thousands of lurkers who are only here to read and repost elsewhere online, tells us that, among unique user IDs, there are ~130-170 of us.
Not even enough of us to be "hundreds." There are dozens of us. That's it. A few dozen men and a couple women who pop in to show appreciation or join the work I'm sure and that's it.
We few dozen, numbering about 150 men; half of what Leonidas and his 300 took to bring the Persian Empire to task in a valiant effort that eventually turned the tide for all of Sparta against the greatest empire the world had ever known at the time. Or at least that's the story the movie tells us.
We are watching a movie here too, aren't we? I wonder if the audience will get this part. If it will be someone's favorite and because they saw it as a kid, they grow up wanting to go into network or information systems, computer programming, investigative journalism (the real kind), or join the military or intelligence services to serve their country too.
To all the future anons who will one day "wish you'd been there" or got to participate, the future is yours. It'll be for you to find your own Qresearch that needs researchers, to discover your own calling.
After all, no one contacted us or recruited us. We were never paid or drafted. We volunteered. We saw the problem and ran toward it with our sleeves rolled up.
And I hope you all get that opportunity too.
The world needs you to need it.
And who knows, maybe one day you'll find yourself as part of We Few Dozen as well.