Right about now would be a great time to post Q.
What now?
I can't believe this,They have made Dennis Montgomery sit with a gag order for over 3 years! I know for a fact that his whistleblower lawyer is Larry Clayman. Got any intel on this?
Cuz I remember this and how Brennan was attached to it and then nothing. Just like the Pakistani brothers (Zarnoff) They got the okay to work in the Senate, as IT guys for the gang of eight, and that schmuck Debbie wasserman's Schultz blabbermouth was the one who signed off that it was okay for them to work there.. And then that dropped off the radar.
Anyway does anyone have new Intel on Dennis Montgomery?
Also I think all this censoring of platforms is definitely a distraction. Remember look over here not over there.
Trump is preparing to do something and they are trying to get ahead of the info that is about to drop.
Anything short of arresting all these commie traitors is half measures at this point.
SHTF soon
She's got that.. Sex Disease!
Remember when BLM rioters were burning down cities and Colin Kaepernick literally called for more violence? And then, instead of banning him, @jack gave him $3M?