quite…last week it was insane…
Twitter will suffer what fox is suffering right now…
>Just finished the new sealed cases colorful map this morning.
Kek! Although nowhere to share it now…
>he's been operating as a CI for years
exactly..where was that info? Why does he show up AFTER THE FACT?
>He was certainly around before the election.
Not in our circles…I frickin' know he did not justMATERIALIZEon 11/4…
"Now you may ask, “Why hasn’t Trump arrested anyone yet? Why did this have to go all the way to Congress?” Multiple reasons: first, Trump has been adamant in following the rule of law and the Constitution. He gives everyone, no matter how dirty, an opportunity to do the right thing (sometimes with warnings such as the phone call with the Georgia Secretary of State recently). He pushed cases through the courts, he presented evidence to the legislatures, and he even told the vice president to do the right thing. But with the betrayal by Pence and Congress, the treason is now complete and nobody can say that Trump did not allow the process to finish before acting. Second, in order to drain the swamp you have to know who are the swamp creatures. They can blend in very well with the crowds. But the false event in the capitol revealed the final traitors for who they were regardless of party affiliation. Trump flushed them out of hiding. "
"So, what comes next? I don’t have the particulars but I can give you milestones to watch for as the coming days unfold:
Expect the emergency broadcast system to be activated. The FCC just recently released a memorandum speaking to the requirements under Federal law to send messages from the president to the public. See this link
Expect confusion. We are in a battle for our republic against elites that are attempting the very coup that they are accusing Trump of doing. In battle, there will be disinformation but know that plans are being fulfilled.
Expect high profile arrests to take place over the next 12 days and at any time. You may wake one morning to find someone in high office is no longer there.
Expect this to be a bumpy ride to the very end. This is not a television show where things are resolved in 45 minutes.
Expect more bombshell evidence to be released between now and Jan. 20th.
Expect some sort of internet blackout or outage: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Gmail are likely going to be affected. If you don’t have alternate forms of communication established now, it would be a good idea to start forming them even if it’s just checking on your nextdoor neighbors.
Expect Trump to be inaugurated on Jan 20th!
Expect the executive order from 2018 and/or the Insurrection Act to be enacted. This DOES NOT mean martial law. Remember that we have been under a state of emergency since 2018 which gives the president many powers to act."
>you must be new here newfag
far from…
ata'boy..you sure showed me…let us all now accept Byrne…he is smarter than us, more educated than us, and he surely knows more about Q than we do…
ty for your enlightenment anon…