your observation vitiates the falsehood.
this kind of post is with the phrase 'Baby-K….. Demonic . . '
which is put into posts like an angry ranter.
this is to try to train peopel to use these words in public which would make the speaker looked like an accusatory asshole who should be shunned for breaching taboo topics.
my guess is that red-texter doesn't really type this, he copy-pastes it eveyr time.
Every single time a copy paste.
these shills are our enemy in the sense that they pretend to be on our side but present rethoric to train us to speak and act as fools.
hence all the tits, all the 'fa gg ot' this and 'nig ger' and 'k k k k oh the evil k, kay?' or all of it. We know the drill.
no one really speaks or posts that unless they've been trained.
so the form of 'oh do it , gloves off, behave like a subhuman' is displayed by a shill who pretends to be MAGA but is reaslly just running a control and training script to get people to ape it's degenerate narrative style that will get you shunned from the Library or a seat at the council dinner.
the person who says 'blindly trust' is obviously AFLB or Ebot or the other one playing a rouse.
'blindly trust' is a foolish thing to do.
constant proofs kept flowing through breads and if you didn't see it, you would have moved along. Because it's made to seem crazy for weak eyes on purpose.
blind trust?
what would build you to that except for it being God. And Q is a person so that would be blasphemous.
I suggest that the original poster is yet another 'here is why I am stupid and wrong' example fake MAGA here to smeer the board and make anon seem foolish, misguided, and dangerously cult-groomed. But we aren't like that at all.
Eres Q
you know I never saw that Simpson's episode.
provide sauce for this or shut up and don't ask stupid dolt-head leading 'ha ha' questions here ever again that are not funny and show you as a talentless and transparent hack.
do you talk like that at an awards banquet?
I'm real too. If Flynn knows me he doesn't say.
I've been here a long time. No one should talk that way in public, anon, to anyone.
and I'm sure General Flynn would agree with me.
you go off into these descriptions of abomination that are intentionally grotesque and purposefully repulsive. Why do you do that? A verbal or cognitive turrets?
whatever dude, sharpen up. If you're real you're not helping by training people to talk like you display in your sudden posts to anyone who says 'really? you talk like that? You think it helps us?'
it doesn't.
It's shocking and funny the first time you see it.
It woudl be appropo if you did it without thought to someone who it actually applied to . . .
but just displaying it to me is like pointing a gun at me. I'm not that guy.
and you're not that guy either. You don't want to harm people who aren't really doing those things are on the team to stop it forever, and want children to be safe and well eductated and mentored by good people.
with your voice of being a ranting Turret's nasty talker, I highly doubt you'll ever be in a position to mentor and train others to improve themselves or learn a real skill.
but if there are real Pedo jerks about, you'd maybe be picked to go arrest them?
but you're gonna just frag them right off so then no.
so a picture that is made instantly with a kiledoscope is alledged to be some kind of mystic drawing?
try again