Anonymous ID: fba88d Jan. 9, 2021, 6:06 a.m. No.12423159   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Italy anon here with a screencap of Italian fake news today. SURPRISE! Just in case you haven't noticed that virus hysteria is directly connected to European politicians' utter terror of What Is Coming, the daily fearporn coronavirus headline now says


Government towards new red zone parameters


"If the weekly incidence of cases were higher than 250 per 100 thousand inhabitants, it could automatically trigger Code Red.

Read the latest news "


Oddly, when you click on the link and actually look at their (TOTALLY FAKE) virus statistics, they indicate a drop in actual cases since yesterday.


Because that makes sense, not.


The Italian deep-state swamp, which is pretty much everybody except Matteo Salvini and the Lega Nord, is going to put us into a Code Red total lockdown again, in order to prevent mass protests in the streets when the whole Leonardo-satellite treachery becomes mainstream.



We in Italia are soooo sick of this shit already