Ok Anons, here we go:
Flynn claims Iran actively tampered with POTUS Election on the 3rd-Alex Jones Interview.
Martial Law declared from Executive Order 2018. Iran is one of the final countries with no Rothschild Federal Reserve Central Bank and has been on the “top be conquered” list for decades.
Martial Law, Declass, Military Tribunals, the Corrupt Left, Pantyfa, BLM all get fucking wrecked. The Conservative Right wins and celebrates. The MIL and Rothschilds finally get popular support from American People to release the hounds on IRAN, conquer and install Rothschild Central Bank.
Could this have been the plan all along? Weaponize the Left to give the Right the “big win” and in the confident afterglow, achieve their desired outcome?
Seems right out of the Weimar Republic/WW2 Germany script.
Thoughts? Comments? GFMyself?