The sooner the better. We’ve been conditioned to take it in the nuts for almost five years, so I fully expect a few drink more ovaltine booms before anything real happens in our favor.
>Well we have one more weekend that "POTUS" can technically be aboard AF1 so…
>it's either now or never.
I would hope so. That’s the logical thought so it probably means we get the message in late April when we learn who leaked the “shithole” comment from 2018.
Bye shill. This is a research board.
Kek halfchan posts are passionate
>Michelle Obama Gave The Order for Big Tech to Delete President Trump From Social Media Platforms
The balls on this guy..
>Times like these make me doubt any kind of "extraordinary " means (looking glass, etc)
>Months of telling people to go to Parler, imminent SM purge, and their servers are overwhelmed in an hour.
>Piss Poor Planning.
In their defense, anon, remember that even this platform gets overwhelmed at times. And that isn’t even counting any state sponsored cyber attacks that occur here and there.
They’ll adjust and scale accordingly.
Agreed. We do our part, but their mindset is really calcified. We took a lot of losses to wake up those that are still somewhat reasonable, but there’s still a shit ton that have the intellectual interest of a competitive hot dog eater. Unless arrests occurs none of this is real.
Me too. It’s a linguistic jell-o mold.