Anonymous ID: 1ff599 Jan. 9, 2021, 8:42 a.m. No.12425353   🗄️.is 🔗kun


perhaps the wind farms are a 'land grab' for when the techtonic plate flips back up cause they think it's gonna happen soon and they want to be the first ones who own it.

Anonymous ID: 1ff599 Jan. 9, 2021, 8:55 a.m. No.12425586   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Do those represent the pillars of Hercules, meaning the Medeterrian Sea?

Coats of arms are very specific and almost meaningless out of context.

you either understand it or you don't.

If you have to ask you haven't studied and learned enough. So you have to ask someone you trust.


The secrets of families and who they are, where thy live, etc, are often buried and put into public view but not advertised.

you need to go read their monuments and see their buildings and collections (they always have that).

just taking coats of arms out of context and putting a stupid Asian bullin a chair statue between them . . . is not historically useful.


For example of the thousands of temples of anitquity, we are lead to believe as if they all had the same function, and a conguenece of neffarious purpose. IN fact they were benighn places to gather and perform cultural transactions.


PS: the reason that columns are used is that they hold up a roof. the symbolic giant column in the square? To keep a statue out of reach of those who'd topple it.

those who put their statues at ground level and worry not about vandels?

those people rule.