Anonymous ID: 2a1b3c Jan. 9, 2021, 8:41 a.m. No.12425330   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5401


I don't disagree w/their speculations but it's hardly evidence.


Agents typically carry 9mm not 45's. The angle of the gun is correct IMO, you need to consider parallax error from the lens and you see the shooter reposition upward, likely because shooting into a crowd is frowned upon.


Also, it begs the question, why didn't the (shooter) follow his law enforcement training and tap her w/3 rounds?


Do you know how hard it is not to instinctively triple tap someone after all that training?


The only semi compelling evidence she may have actually been shot was the video of her with her breast exposed as they were rushing her out on a stretcher. There appeared to be realistic bruising/embolism slightly left of her heart/above her breast. The visual injury was so compelling, no qualified EMT would have performed CPR, they would have pronounced them dead and called for a coroner.


For the record, I hope she wasn't killed, she was a good looking woman.