Anonymous ID: 2d7598 Jan. 9, 2021, 8:33 a.m. No.12425202   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5226

Interdasting Thomas Wictor posts at


The US Constitution requires that the states approve the electoral votes sent to Congress.

By all accounts, at least six states used unconstitutional processes to certify their electoral votes.

To put it simply, state law was bypassed in multiple ways.

Alternate slates of electors have already been chosen, but they were not officially certified by the states.

These alternate slates of electors were chosen in order to have them prepared for what's coming.

The only date that matters is January 20, 2021.

There is ample legal precedent to allow a presidential election re-do, but that isn't necessary.

If the ILLEGAL votes are not counted, Trump wins in a landslide.

So: Trump needs only 270 electoral votes. States can decertify electoral votes based on fraud.

I forgot to add that the alternate slates of Trump electors HAVE ALREADY VOTED.

So the votes are already there.

Trump must prove without a shadow of a doubt that the election was fraudulent.

My best guess is that Trump used VERY SMALL teams of US military cyberwarfare and reconnaissance specialists.

Somewhere in the continental US (CONUS) there was a central hub keeping a running vote count.

The military teams located that central hub and set up a temporary wireless network nearby.

Since the vote-counting was done over the Internet, the military boosted the wireless signals of the enemy devices.

The signals were then transmitted to a data-collection server.

Therefore the entire process was captured and recorded.

They would've planted cameras and bugs to record voices and faces.

The warehouses of ballots had already been located.

The illegal vote counting was also recorded.

If the Chinese and other state actors were involved, THAT was proven.

At any rate, Trump has the evidence.

Why didn't he show it before January 6?

Because he had to do two things:

  1. He had to let the crime be committed so that he gained political leverage over the Democrats and Republicans who China had purchased.

  2. He had to expose the level of corruption that has taken the US to the brink of totalitarianism.

By allowing the crime to be committed AND by proving it and triumphing over it, Trump destroys ALL his enemies in one move.

He becomes the most powerful person in global human history–and he uses that power for GOOD.

So how does he expose all this?


He could expose it publicly, in which case Congress will voluntarily decertifying Biden in order to avoid spending the rest of their lives in prison.

Or he goes to the Supreme Court.

If he exposes it publicly, and Congress STILL refuses to decertify Biden, the Supreme Court WILL DO IT, and members of Congress will be charged one after the other.

In the Third Revolution in Military Affairs (3RMA), small tactical teams operate autonomously.

Trump created massive goodwill in the military by fixing the VA system and doing several other things.

There's no doubt whatsoever that small teams could have been detached for classified duty that only Trump knew about.

Remember also that Trump had long ago infiltrated the Democratic party with his own people.

I can't predict HOW Trump will reveal his evidence.

All I know is that he WILL be sworn in on January 20.

Trump himself pulled off the very first sting of his presidency.

When he was briefed by members of the intelligence community, he told nobody in his organization that the briefing was going to happen.

Therefore when lies about the briefing appeared in the press only an hour or so later, he knew that one or more of the intelligence officials had spoken to the press.

Remember that Trump has pulled off miracles in foreign policy.

The attempted theft of the 2020 election was the greatest trap in political history.

Trump would not abandon America and YOU to the worst people in the world.

He would not walk away and leave us all in hell.

Be strong.

Anonymous ID: 2d7598 Jan. 9, 2021, 8:34 a.m. No.12425226   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5231


Part 2

Let's talk about the Third Revolution in Military Affairs (3RMA).

The Revolution in Military Affairs (RMA) took place in the late 1980s.

It was the adoption of smart weapons, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), GPS locating on the battlefield, and so on.

The Second Revolution in Military Affairs (2RMA) was an interim phase.

Weapons and technology got so much better that strategic commando units became possible.

We DO know that unnamed special-operations units have the ability to carry out advanced cyber warfare and surveillance operations in very small teams.

The Democrats stole the election with systems HOOKED UP TO THE INTERNET.

We know that there was a central hub where a nationwide vote count was kept on election night.

Getting that number and the two-way communications that took place was a piece of cake.

Prior to the 2RMA, commandos were a TACTICAL asset.

In around 2010, the first strategic commando units were formed by the Gulf Arabs.

The Gulf Arabs secretly made peace with Israel in 2006 because they knew that the US was no longer a reliable ally.

In 2012, I began seeing videos of massively advanced weapons being used in Syria.

They were missiles that used blast effect or sheer velocity to destroy their targets.

Over a period of years, I was able to trace the technology back to Israel.

The Israelis did pioneering research in ram accelerators.

This publication tells everything.

Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Ram Accelerators Held in Sendai, Japan, 16–18 July 1997

Note the date.

The goal was to use explosive gases to accelerate projectiles to hypersonic speeds.

Anonymous ID: 2d7598 Jan. 9, 2021, 8:35 a.m. No.12425231   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5235 >>5238 >>5251


Part 3

A byproduct was that the gases became the most powerful explosives ever developed.

These gases are used in warheads fitted to conventional antitank guided missiles man-portable missile systems.

A single warhead can actually shatter a tank.

Also the blast effect can be directed.

Therefore explosive nanodrones can kill a person in a crowd without harming anyone else.

I got tired of posting videos because every time I do, people WHO KNOW NOTHING ABOUT THESE MUNITIONS argue endlessly and tell me I'm wrong.

But as impressive as the kinetic weapons are, the CYBER CAPABILITIES and SURVEILLANCE CAPABILITIES are science fiction made fact.


Gulf Arab strategic commandos and the US Air Force built a digital map of the city of Mosul before the battle.

They mapped every building inside and out, and they mapped every underground structure.

Ever wonder why the extensive Islamic State tunnel cities were absolutely useless?

It's because they were fully mapped.

It took nine months to create the digital model of Mosul.

The way it worked was that the tactical units were autonomous.

Everybody had pads with digital maps.

Each soldier was represented by a dot and a number. The tactical units were "combined-arms micro teams" consisting of an infantry squad, a sniper squad, an antitank squad, a main battle tank, an aerial surveillance platform, and a rotary winged gunship.

Freelance mortar, machine-gun, and rocket squads roamed the battlefield, going where they were needed.

Fixed-wing multirole fighters could also be attached to the micro teams.

Iraqi generals went to the front lines to be briefed.

Essentially the highest-ranked combat soldier was a captain.

Each major supervised several micro teams, each colonel took briefings from majors, and the colonels briefed the generals.


Generals drew up the plans and then let the tactical units implement them.

Older Iraqi generals took to the new technology with enthusiasm.

FINALLY there was an efficient war-fighting approach.

The Third Revolution in Military Affairs (3RMA) gives strategic commandos the ability to win major conflicts.

In the US military, the marines are being converted into strategic commandos. They're training on as-yet unannounced weapons systems.

Special Operations Command is retiring ALL ITS WEAPONS SYSTEMS.

They haven't announced what the new weapons will be.

But we DO know that unnamed special-operations units have the ability to carry out advanced cyber warfare and surveillance operations in very small teams.

The Democrats stole the election with systems HOOKED UP TO THE INTERNET.

We know that there was a central hub where a nationwide vote count was kept on election night.

Getting that number and the two-way communications that took place was a piece of cake.

Small teams were detached for special duty.

This HAD to have been how it was done. The US military has been training for four years in 3RMA fighting.

If only captains knew where the men and women really were, then it was airtight.

See, Trump can't trust anyone over the rank of captain.

Have you heard of the Defense Clandestine Service?

Ezra Cohen-Watnick is a veteran of that unit.

Almost nothing is known about it.

We know that they're trained combat soldiers who operate deep in enemy territory, collecting intelligence.

And they generally operate alone.

All Trump needed was the central hub, the locations of the phony ballots, and surveillance footage of the physical cheating methods.

And faces, voices, messages, orders given.

As I said, piece of cake for troops trained by our Gulf Arab and Israeli allies.

Surveillance nanodrones the size of bees can land on ceilings and film.

The wild card is how much involvement did China have?

Why are the Democrats frantic to get rid of Trump NOW?

Because they know what's coming.

Where's the frenzied celebration that Biden won?

There is none.

The Democrats are grim as hell.

Making threats. Warning us.

Sorry, kids. Trump's got you.

"We caught them all."

Now we know what he meant.

Relax and watch. Oh, you'll be so proud of our Trump.

Anonymous ID: 2d7598 Jan. 9, 2021, 8:35 a.m. No.12425235   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Part 4 - latest

"I will not be GOING TO the inauguration."

The inauguration will be COMING TO HIM.

Private inauguration. Only Trump's family, select members of Congress, and select guests.

No Trump supporters, thanks to their actions on January 6. And he can't trust DC or any governors to provide security.

And NOT in front of the Capitol building.

Congress declared war on him, so…

Sting operation.

Trump nailed their butts to the wall.

Which is a weird thing to say. How would you do that, exactly?

Even so, I like the sound of it.

Trump prepared his trap for years.

The military brass has NEVER been loyal. But the fighting men and women can be trusted, especially in very small, very select groups.

The courts are deeply flawed. Now Orange County must release its criminals because of COVID-19. The rule of law has vanished in California.

Trump said long ago that his first term would be shaping the battlefield.

In his second term, he does a Billy Sheehan.

Anonymous ID: 2d7598 Jan. 9, 2021, 8:50 a.m. No.12425483   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5584

Remember Trump has national emergency powers that includes the ability to send a national security alert to the phone of every American.


Also all broadcast networks, radio stations, most digital devices.

If Trump should issue a national security alert as the President of the United States using the emergency broadcast system to direct all Americans to a certain website link under his control, there is nothing Democrats or Big Tech could do to prevent people from seeing it.