DAmn fine baking
>nonymousย 04/29/18 (Sun) 22:18:03 b2dff5ย No.1242536
>Wow. It appears that I have the whole bread for myself.
gonna have to share
Really, if they offer it to him, he has the choice of graciously accepting it in the name of recipients like MLK, or trashing it as the globalist garbage that it is and saying "no thanks."
Just remember. The #1 NFL draft pick this year was a Baker
Good evening Q. I don't suppose you are going to confirm that Mueller has been working FOR Trump from the beginning?
A[R]e we focused on that letter as Renegade?
I[R]on Eagle = Eage[R] Lion
was the missing R in a tweet. I've been banned from twitter for calling Colbert a cracke[R]
I missed this one and saw the one below. I guess you have pretty much spelled out that Mueller has been working FOR Trump from the gitgo. Now it looks like the MSM is about to figure that out. Hopefully he's about done with the work he needed to do.
We see temples of Apollo on the cabal estates. Wasn't he the god known for his Golden Bulls? Isn't moloch often depicted as a bull.
That's what I'm sayin, they both have the [R] I think there was a tweet with a missing letter, but I can't get over to twitter. I called Colbert a cracker so I got banned.
That was a nice confirmation
I agree, that was the feeling I got this evening. I wanted to call him Q+
Before I thought that it meant a group including him, but I think it means him
The DoD tweet said "Eager Lion 18" Q cofirmed that the 18 = [R] = Renegade = Obama
Then why did Q just confirm 18=R in this very bread?
I thought I read it somewhere, you may be right, I may have taken it too far by connecting 18 to R renegade, but I thought someone had implied it.
I only knew cause I asked the question already (and had to go back). To think of the bread we use because of missing pieces. Part of the process.
Q made it very clear that a single R does not mean RR.
YES, that is it! We are not invading Syria. No nay never
Yeah in post 1277
He had confirmed it in the previous post, I just did not see that one first.